The Christ in Prophecy Journal

Too Many Disasters – What are the Prophetic Implications?

The world has been reeling the past few months from disasters — both natural and man made. First came the outbreak of revolutions all across the Middle East. And then came the gigantic earthquake in Japan and the subsequent tsunami and nuclear melt-down crisis.

Our office has been inundated with requests that we produce articles concerning the prophetic implications of these events. My response has been that there is no need for new articles because we have been talking about these events for years, pointing out that the Bible clearly prophesies that in the end times there will be wars between nations and rebellions within them (Matthew 24:7) and that there will be an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural calamities (Matthew 24:7-8 and Luke 21:11).

In short, we are seeing Bible prophecy fulfilled before our very eyes.

The Bible makes it clear that God has spoken through signs of nature throughout history. He pounded ancient Egypt with plague after plague until Pharaoh was willing to release the children of Israel from captivity (Exodus 7-10). Before they occupied the Promised Land, God warned the children of Israel through Moses that if they were not faithful to Him, He would afflict them with natural disasters like drought and crop failures. In the book of Joel we are told about a locust invasion that God sent to call the Jewish people to repentance. In like manner we are told in the book of Haggai that when the children of Israel ignored rebuilding the Temple after their return from Babylonian captivity, God sent drought, hail, and mildew until they turned to Him in repentance.

On the day that Jesus was crucified, the significance of the event was underscored by a great earthquake and darkness (Matthew 27:45-54). And we are told that when Jesus returns, the earth will be afflicted with huge hail stones and will experience the greatest earthquakes in its history, causing every mountain and island to be moved (Revelation 16:20-21).

In like manner, the Bible teaches that wars and civil unrest are often punishments of God for rebellion against Him.

One of the greatest examples of this truth is to be found in the book of Habakkuk. The prophet had grown weary of calling the people of Judah to repentance, and so he began to cry out to God to vindicate his message by putting the nation under some sort of discipline. The Lord responded by telling him that He was sending the Babylonians to attack the nation. The prophet was astounded at this news. His response was to point out to God that although his nation was bad, it was not as bad as the Babylonians. He asked, “How can You punish those who are evil with those who are more evil?” The Lord’s response was the same one He has given throughout all of history to anyone who questions Him: “The righteous shall live by faith” (Habakkuk 2:4). In other words, “Stop questioning and start trusting.”

Jesus is about to return. God is proclaiming that fact through signs of the times that are prophesied in His Word. God does not want the return of Jesus to surprise anyone because He does not wish that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9). The chaotic events that characterize the world today are designed to motivate people to repentance so that they will be ready for the return of God’s Messiah (Isaiah 26:9b).

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Dr. David Reagan

Dr. David Reagan is the Founder and Evangelist Emeritus of Lamb & Lion Ministries. He is a life-long Bible student, teacher, and preacher and he led over 45 pilgrimages to Israel. Dr. Reagan was the host of the radio then television program Christ in Prophecy for nearly 40 years.

6 CommentsLeave a Comment

  • Matthew 24 is the same events of the six seals and the rapture happens before the seals are opened. We are there when the Lamb receives the book with the six seals. What we see now in the news is just the beginning of things to comes "hereafter" the church age but we will not see the worst of it. These floods and other catastrophic events are not even close to what is going to happen. Also the the one on the white horse conquering is not Jesus it is the antichrist coming "as" Christ but he will conquer nations under the beast that gives him power. A wolf in lambs clothing if you will.

  • Shonell

    At first I thought you were claiming we are now experiencing the six seals! 🙂

    Up until the 1st and 2nd World Wars, the world was experiencing ‘non’ signs that Jesus said were to be expected, (but the end is not yet!) Matt.24:4-6.
    Imo, these three verses in Matt24: are similar to the seals, but are not the same. Like twins who are similar, they are individuals and not the same. Deceptions and false christ’s plural, began right after the Resurrection and continue to this day. The First seal is singular, a particular man.

    Vs7 Ethnics rising against ethnics world wide was the start of the birth pangs along with famines, pestilence and earthquakes. Since those wars introduced Israel back into the equation, all the ‘pangs’ have been increasing slowly but surely.

    While there are no signs for the Rapture, there are many for the 7 yr Tribulation; we are seeing the ‘coming’ of that time increasing right now as Dr.Reagan says. Therefore the removal of the Church before the world-wide ‘time of trial’ cannot be much longer.


  • e.I and shonell
    a case cab be made on both sides does matthew 24 describe the seals of the tribulation or the describe the last generation? I have switched positions so many times that is somebody ask me which 1 I just say yes:) the description of matthew 24 describes the seals to the letter I know yet we are also seeing those today. I personally think matthew 24 is talking about the last generation up to and including the tribulation but if someone tells me its describing only the seals I will not argue with them because perhaps they are right.

  • I'm confused. If internal strife and insurrection is a punishment for rebellion against God, why are Muslim countries, where almost no one is agnostic or atheist, being targeted for His wrath over Western countries?

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