The Christ in Prophecy Journal

The Mighty Angels of Revelation 22 and the Worship of Angels

MP3: The Mighty Angels of Revelation 22
Hosts: Nathan Jones & Vic Batista

The Worship of Angels

Vic Batista: We started this series on Revelation primarily focused on the many angelic beings and their proclamations from God. We’ve been floored by these incredible messages and the impact they will have on the world.

We also learned that God has at His command all sorts of angelic beings organized in different ranks. We saw in Revelation 4 seraphim, cherubim, and other angelic beings from different orders. God sends them out for different purposes to enact His will. And, we learned that God has used these angels all throughout human history in order to positively influence our lives and act as protectors against Satan’s forces.

Nathan Jones: God sent His mighty angels to give the messages of Revelation to John, showing his readers what the future holds. Throughout the Bible the Lord has sent angels. For example, Gabriel was seen bringing messages all throughout the Bible, like announcing the birth of Jesus Christ to Mary and Joseph. We also have the Archangel Michael defending the Jewish people. Michael’s the angel in charge of protecting Israel.

Revelation has also taught us about the demons — the fallen angels. King over the demons is Lucifer, who is now called Satan. He was the greatest of all God’s angels. He stood as guardian of the throne of God. But, he started coveting God’s power, and in his envy Satan led a rebellion to overthrow the universe’s king. A third of the angels became demons and followed Satan to defeat as they were cast down to the earth. Revelation tells the story of Satan’s last ditch effort to steal God’s throne away from him in his madness to rule over all the earth. And, we learn that Jesus Christ Himself will personally conquer Satan and his forces, forever casting those in rebellion against God into the Lake of Fire.

Revelation reminds us that we live in a time period where it seems like Satan and his demons are ruling over the whole earth. They are winning every cultural and military battle. But, Satan’s demise is certain. When Jesus Christ returns as He promised, evil will finally and forever be defeated.

#Satan's demise is certain. When #JesusChrist returns evil will forever be defeated. Click To Tweet

The whole study of Revelation is a study really of what is going on behind the celestial and global events. The veil is peeled back and we mere mortals can witness what is going on in the spirit world. God pulls the veil back and we can finally see all the angelic beings at work for God. Our Heavenly Father is quite active working personally through the angels in the affairs of human history and in the battle for mankind’s souls.

Vic Batista: We also learned that mankind should not be worshiping angels. When John became overwhelmed be all he was seeing he just fell at the feet of the angel who was revealing the Eternal State to him. But, the angel replied in Revelation 22:9, “See that you do not do that. For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.”

Sadly, there are some religions who worship the spirits. I grew up Catholic, and we had framed pictures of angels in our homes. Our adoration for these beings was so great that I felt we rather worshiped the angels in Catholicism. But, the Bible is explicitly clear that people are not to engage in that behavior. Angels are ministering spirits God has sent to serve us, and not visa versa. It’s Satan who has confused the order of hierarchy in the universe, desiring the worship of mankind for himself. He refuses to serve God by not serving mankind.

Nathan Jones: Yes, John made a mistake. He may have been a preacher of Jesus Christ for decades by this time, but he was just so overwhelmed that his first impulse was to give honor to this mighty angel. True to his commitment to God and resisting the temptation John had accidentally given him, the angel steps back and says, “No, don’t do that!”

The angel’s example, along with other verses of instruction in the Bible, command mankind to not mistake angels as something that we deserves worship. Angels are servants of the Lord. Sure, they are more powerful than people, but they are not inheritors of salvation. That gift actually places humanity over the angels when it comes to the Eternal State, for those who become saved are the only ones God considers as joint heirs with Jesus Christ.

In the eighty-eighth segment of our series “The Mighty Angels of Revelation,” we’ll look back in our study of Revelation at some of the most impressive of God’s mighty angels.

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Dr. Nathan E. Jones

As the Internet Evangelist at Lamb & Lion Ministries, Nathan reaches out to the over 4.5 billion people accessible over the Internet with the Good News of Jesus Christ. He also co-hosts the ministry's television program Christ in Prophecy and podcast The Truth Will Set You Free.

2 CommentsLeave a Comment

  • Vic.
    I too was brought up a Catholic, Roman Rite, and it has never been taught us to worship Angles nor Mary either. Perhaps your household did or your home country does, but you are correct we should not Worship either. We pray to Mary for intercession with the Lord, and perhaps that is mistaken by others as worship or even might become worship by the one praying for intercession as they might get caught away in their intensity. Perhaps that is what has happened in your household with the pictures of Angels about.

    Thanks for the comments about Humans being joint heirs of the Kingdom and and the only ones who receive salvation. Clears up a question, in part, ref. us judging the Angles.

    • Rick, and others thanks for your questions and comments for Nathan & me. It’s good to know many of us were of different faiths and have come to the light of Jesus. Vic Batista

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