The Christ in Prophecy Journal

The Divinity of Jesus: Testimony

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Who says that Jesus is divine, and is it proof of His divinity?

Lamb & Lion Ministries conducts a number of Bible conferences in the Dallas, Texas area each year. Our June 2010 conference theme was “Defending the Faith”.

Eric BargerOne of our guest speakers was Eric Barger, the founder and director of Take a Stand! Ministries headquartered in the Dallas area. Eric is an authority on the cults, the New Age, and rock music today. From his past as a former drug addict and rock n’ roll musician who was deeply involved in the New Age movement, Eric has emerged since he gave his life to Jesus Christ to become one of today’s greatest defenders of Christianity in America.

Eric’s topic at our conference was “The Truth of Jesus’ Divinity” (watch). He did a remarkable job explaining that the testimonies concerning Jesus Christ’s divinity are overwhelming and should be believed.

Testifying to Jesus’ Divinity

We have the testimony of the miracles of Jesus. I won’t even begin to go through them all because there are so many, from the healing of the blind to the healing of the lepers to the raising of the dead. Think about that. Over and over we see Jesus proving who He is by the miracles. We have the testimony of that.

We have the testimony of Peter and Thomas, two of those who followed Jesus. Peter confirmed, “Thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God.” If Jesus wasn’t God incarnate, He would have said, “Peter, don’t you ever say that to me again.” But, instead He received that testimony because what Peter said was accurate.

Then there was Thomas’ testimony. You know the story, He was doubting and Jesus appeared after the Resurrection and said, “You see it is me, reach you finger here in my hands, and touch and see. I am here physically.” Heretics say that Jesus rose from the grave spiritually. No, he rose physically and bodily from the grave, not just spiritually. Jesus said, “Handle me, touch me, touch my side. See it is me.” Thomas fell to his knees and said, “My Lord, and my God.” He called Him my “theos” and my “kurios.” Theos is a word for God. That is where we get our word theology, my godology that is my theology. He called Him, “My Lord, and my God,” and Jesus received that worship and didn’t rebuke Thomas. He called him “my Lord and my God,” and he was accurate in doing so.

There is the testimony of Jesus Himself. There are many places we could turn and look, but I’ll just show you two of them.

In John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” He is the only gate, no matter that other religion say they have the path. Jesus is the ONLY way.

Jesus in John 10 says, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me. And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father which gives them me is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. I and my Father are one.”

Jesus is talking to His favorite Pharisees right there. They didn’t like what He had to say, so they picked up stones and they were going to stone Him, because they thought He was a mere man claiming to be God and equating himself with the Father. “I and my Father are one” shows us that Jesus indeed declared His deity. The Jews wanted to stone Him for that. They understood that He was declaring Himself to be the Messiah equal with God.

Jesus then confounds the Pharisees because He asks them, “Doesn’t it say that you’re all gods?” These were supposed to be the keepers of the truth. This is one of my most favorite passages in the New Testament, were Jesus confounds the keepers of the law with the Word of God. They were supposed to know what it said. Again, He had asked them, “Doesn’t it say you’re all gods?” You can almost imagine these guys as they dropped their rocks and looked at each other and said something like, “Yeah, I think it is in there somewhere. I have seen that before.” Jesus is quoting Psalm 82 which says, “I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high.” Well, the Pharisees didn’t know the Word of God enough to know what the next verse said, because the next part of the passage says, “But ye shall die like men.” The passage is mocking godhood for mankind, and Jesus is using that against them. They drop their rocks and He walks away. It is such a powerful passage the way Jesus confounds them apologetically. They were referred to as gods because of their ability to enforce the law over mankind, but they were really ignorant of God’s Word and there is a penalty to be paid when you are only a pretender. There is a penalty and the Pharisees paid it.

A heavy price is paid for not knowing the Word of God.

In the final segment of Eric Barger’s sermon on “The Truth of Jesus’ Divinity,” we’ll examine the cultic Jesus of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.


Defending the Faith June 2010 Conference
Defending the Faith June 2010 Conference DVD Album
Get back to the Word and the absolute essentials of the Christian faith by learning how to defend what you believe in this 6-part conference album!

  1. “The Truth of the Christian Worldview” – Brannon Howse
  2. “The Truth of the Bible” – Mike Gendron
  3. “The Truth of Creation” – Dr. Jobe Martin
  4. “The Truth of the Divinity of Jesus” – Eric Barger
  5. “The Truth of the Resurrection” – Dr. Ron Rhodes
  6. “The Truth of the Virgin Birth” – Dr. David Reagan
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Dr. Nathan E. Jones

As the Internet Evangelist at Lamb & Lion Ministries, Nathan reaches out to the over 4.5 billion people accessible over the Internet with the Good News of Jesus Christ. He also co-hosts the ministry's television program Christ in Prophecy and podcast The Truth Will Set You Free.

3 CommentsLeave a Comment

  • I had a similar incident with two J.W. ladies who were insisting that Jesus was a spirit and could take on any form he wished to.

    I said ‘but when the disciples thought Jesus was a ghost, Jesus said He wasn’t a spirit and he ate fish and they could touch him’.

    The ‘leader’ shook her head at me as her student looked at her bemused.

    I opened my Bible to Luke 24:36-43 and read out vs.37 “But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit”.

    The J.W. was un-phased until I read vs.39 “Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have."

    I handed the Bible to her and she carefully read all the text. I said to the student ‘Jesus even ate some food, and spirits don’t eat food – do they’.

    That was when they made a hasty retreat. I wonder how that was explained away at the ‘Kingdom Hall’?

  • I had at look at the link Sarah gave. Sadly,‘what we believe’ was a ‘ME’ centred social gospel.

    Like so many others, they appear ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ making no confession of His life, death and resurrection with His offer of Salvation for sinners. Making only a cursory mention of ‘God’, Jesus Christ and the cross.

    In my understanding of Scripture this is yet another gospel, and another Christ, as with Seeker Sensitive, Purpose Driven aka Rick Warren and co.

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