The Christ in Prophecy Journal

A Prophetic Manifesto: Hope in Christ


What is the hope we have in these last days and how we should respond?

In the spring of 2012, I believe the Lord began to move on my heart with a very troubling message. I turned it over and over in my mind, and I wrestled with it in prayer. Finally, it burned so hot in my soul that I had to put it on paper. When I finished it, and it was published in June of 2012. I called it A Prophetic Manifesto, and I gave it this stark cover because it contained a very stark message.

A Prophetic Manifesto

Hope in Christ

Is there any hope for America? No! Our only hope is Jesus, and thus we have no hope, for we have rejected Him. We have turned our back on the very God who made us great and showered us with blessings. We have forgotten that God’s Word teaches that “to those to whom much is given, much is expected.” We have stubbornly set our course. We have determined to live as we please and not as God has dictated. We have chartered a course of self-destruction, and God is going to allow us to have our way.

Many professing Christians have deceived themselves into believing that there is hope for our nation if we can only elect the right President or elect the right political party to control Congress. If that is your view, then you have set yourself up for certain disappointment.

I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I am a Monarchist, because I have devoted my life to doing all I can to help prepare the way for the coming of the King of kings and Lord of lords who will reign in glory and majesty from Jerusalem and who will bring peace, righteousness and justice to this earth.

Allow me to repeat my fundamental point for emphasis: our only hope is Jesus, and since we have turned our back on Him, we have no hope as a nation.

But, there is individual hope for those of us who know Jesus as our Lord and Savior. He has promised to walk with us through the fire and high water, comforting us in our sufferings and providing our needs. He will never forsake us.

We also have the incredible hope of the Rapture of the Church, when true believers will be taken out of this world in the blinking of an eye to be with Jesus forever.

And, there is hope for those who will be left behind to face the terror of the pouring out of God’s wrath, for even when God pours out His wrath, His major purpose is not to punish, but to bring people to the end of themselves so that they will repent and be saved.

Listen to these words from Isaiah: “When the earth experiences God’s judgments, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.” That’s grace! Let us rejoice that our God is a God of grace, otherwise there would be no hope for any of us.

Call to Action

The urgency of the moment demands action — action on the part of all of us.

If you have never received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, I pray you will do so this moment. Time is short. Action is needed now. God has prolonged your life to this point because He does not wish that any should perish, but that all might be saved.

Perhaps you think you are already saved because you have been baptized or have become a member of a church or because you consider yourself to be a good person. None of these things will save your soul from Hell. Salvation is not a matter of religious rituals, or church membership or good works. It is a matter of relationship. Jesus said, “This is eternal life that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”

Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Have you committed your life to Him? Are you trusting in Him, or in your good works?

To come to know Jesus personally and to be sealed by the Holy Spirit for salvation, you need to reach out to God in faith through a simple prayer like this one:

Dear Heavenly Father, I confess to you that I am a sinner and that I am sorry for my sins. I thank you for the salvation you have made possible through the sacrifice of your Son. I accept Him as my Lord and Savior, and I welcome the indwelling power of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Once you have prayed this prayer, seek out a Bible-believing church where God’s Word is preached and where Jesus is held up as the only hope for this world. Make a public confession of your faith in Jesus and be baptized to manifest your commitment to Him and to symbolize your own death, burial and resurrection as a new person in Christ.

For those of you who have truly placed your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, my plea is that you will get serious about reaching out to unbelievers with the message of the Lord’s soon return. Time is short. Urgent action is needed.

I pray too that you will examine every aspect of your life to see where you have made compromises with the world — where you have grown comfortable with sin. The Holy Spirit is calling you to holiness in preparation for the Lord’s imminent return. Identify those areas of your life that are not totally surrendered to the Lord and crucify them.

My plea to pastors is that you will commit yourselves to studying God’s prophetic word and take it to mean what it says. This will enable you to recognize the signs of the times and the urgency of the moment. You then need to communicate this sense of urgency to your people, convicting them that Jesus is returning soon. And, you need to teach them how they can best prepare for that momentous and marvelous event.

I’d like to conclude this series of pleas with a plea to God in the form of a brief prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I praise you for the manifold blessings that You have given our nation, for Founding Fathers of great wisdom, for unparalleled freedom, and for abundant prosperity.

I praise you for the great joy of serving as a conduit of your spiritual blessings to the rest of the world. You have utilized our riches and ingenuity to communicate the Gospel to all nations and to translate and publish your Word in many languages.

I thank you also, Lord, for the great patience you have shown toward us in the midst of our rebellion against you. I am terribly grieved, Lord, that in our pride we have deserted you. I realize that we fully deserve your wrath, but I pray for mercy. I pray that before you deliver us from judgment to destruction, you will raise up one last national revival to bring more souls into your kingdom.

Most of all, Lord, I pray for the soon return of your precious Son. Send Him quickly, dear God. Send Him in glory and majesty. And, through Him, please flood this wicked world with peace, righteousness and justice.

Amen and Maranatha!

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Dr. David Reagan

Dr. David Reagan is the Founder and Evangelist Emeritus of Lamb & Lion Ministries. He is a life-long Bible student, teacher, and preacher and he led over 45 pilgrimages to Israel. Dr. Reagan was the host of the radio then television program Christ in Prophecy for nearly 40 years.

1 CommentLeave a Comment

  • There is always hope.
    Of course we are not a Christian nation, but a lot of Christians live here and try to effect change in a positive way.
    I also read once that worldwide, we are the largest supporters of missionaries.

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