The Christ in Prophecy Journal

Left Behind Message

Do you have a loved one or friend who you know will be left behind after the Rapture?

Wouldn’t you like to leave them a message that would explain where you’ve been taken and why?

Below is our “left behind” message called “Jesus Came. What’s Next?” This is our life boat, so to speak, to answer the questions people will have after the great disappearance and to inform them about what to expect during the Tribulation. This message brings people the saving message of Jesus Christ, the only hope for mankind.

We ask that you recommend this video to everyone you know. Embed it in your website and social networks. Forward it to as many people as possible now so that they are aware it exists. Even if they have yet to accept Jesus and therefore will be too late to be included in the Rapture, they may still remember that in love you left them this video to help answer their questions.

I also recommend the online service called You’ve Been Left Behind. It’s a great tool that gives you the means to make your own “left behind” message. In your message, please feel free to refer people to our video and website resources at

Our video is posted on the various networks listed below, as well as on the Lamb & Lion website. We’ve also posted an article in English, Spanish, and a

      mp3 audio version
that contains further details about life during the Tribulation.

Daily Motion

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Dr. Nathan E. Jones

As the Internet Evangelist at Lamb & Lion Ministries, Nathan reaches out to the over 4.5 billion people accessible over the Internet with the Good News of Jesus Christ. He also co-hosts the ministry's television program Christ in Prophecy and podcast The Truth Will Set You Free.

8 CommentsLeave a Comment

  • Nathan, I watched the Youtube videos a couple of days ago. I think they're great. You guys did a good job. πŸ™‚

  • this may sound dumb, but i dont want to leave a left behind email now and find out we have like 10yrs left til the rapture and yet i dont want to wait and have the rapture come like tomorrow. know what i mean?

  • I thought that was an excellent video, kind of short and to the point. I was trying to envision myself as one of those left behind, and seeing the video and I thought it made sense. Thank you for going to the effort to make this loving video.

  • Wow! I was pretty touched by this video. Great job to all the Men and Women who made it possible. I am absolutely convinced this will help lead millions more to the Kingdom!

    In Christ – David

  • Hartdawg, No it does not sound dumb, that you don't want to leave a Left Behind "message". Why don't you just do this, as I have (so far)…….on this site there is a written letter that states what has happened and what will happen, it's L&L's generalized letter to those left behind after the rapture. Print this letter out, and then place it in your Bible. I printed this out also, and put it in my Bible, and also placed a copy of it in my "Christ In Prophecy" study guide. I always have my Bible out in the open of my home. Anyone who visits, or knows me, knows where my Bible is located…when it's not in my hands of course. I believe that when the rapture happens, everyone that knows me, knows what I believe, sooooo, when the rapture happens, whoever I know that may be left behind, will surely remember what I believe and have said to them…..I know that they will seek out my Bible….and when they do, yepperbuddie….they will find that letter. πŸ™‚ And, you can leave a handwritten personal note from you along with it, if you want.

    Buggg πŸ™‚

  • Nathen, What is the matter with you? This is not scriptural at all.
    Did the people in Noah's day have a second chance or Lot whenHe left Sodom. Jesus said just as it was in the Noes and lots day so it will be when I return. Is'not this clear enough for you or can't you sell a video. I'm not angry with you but you need to follow GOD'S word. Say your right and then you call Jesus a liar. Same thing with your Pre-Tri. theory this will create the great falling away that the word says. Think what would cause this to happen PERSECUTION of the saints. They are banking on your saying they won't suffer. SAD for you how are you going to explain this to the LORD.
    LEROY I don't expect to see this posting.

  • What else happened during the times of Lot and of Noah, Anon?

    Answer: neither were involved with the judgment. God never, never, never judges the righteous with the unrighteous.

    If the church isn't removed from the coming tribulation, then that means there has been a change in God's behavior, and God doesn't change.

    "They are banking on your saying they won't suffer." Someone once said that this life is the closest a non-believer will ever get to heaven and the closest a believer will ever get to hell.

    I, for one, am not banking on what Nathan and Dr. Reagan teach. I am banking on what God's Word teaches.


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