Welcome to the first “Bible Prophecy Insights” video, where you get an awesome insight into God’s prophetic word — in just one minute! These specially produced computer animated videos hosted by Nathan Jones of Lamb & Ministries are designed to be shared all over the Internet, drawing people to the outright amazing promises God has for us all. Our hope is that you’ll learn from, enjoy, and pass these messages on to family, friends and acquaintances so that they too may know the spiritual richness of Bible prophecy.
Enjoy and God bless!
Bible Prophecy Insight
Can math prove the accuracy of Bible prophecy?
Let’s take just 8 of the 108 prophecies fulfilled in Jesus’ life. Mathematician Peter Stoner calculated that the probability of all 8 being fulfilled in the life of one person is 1 in 10 to the seventeenth power. That’s 17 zeros! That’d be like filling the entire state of Texas two feet deep in quarters. Mark one, throw it in. Next, drop in a blindfolded man. The odds would be that the very first coin he picks up, that’s the one with the mark. Impossible, right? Not if the Bible is truly God’s Word.
Learn more by reading Applying the Science of Probability to the Scriptures!
Great Video. You are definately on to something here.
Colorado Springs
Do you know anything about an Arthur Jason??
The comment & link posted here by Anon [Arthur Jason?]:
..actually takes you here:
..to Arthur Jason's blog-post:
Identity of the Antichrist
When I read the Word of God, my spirit is refreshed.
When I read Godly articles, teachings, testimonies, and comments, my spirit can also be refreshed.
However, when I read a long, tedious article that seems to belabor a point, and contains error, I can't help but think of 1 Timothy 1:7, about those "…Desiring to be teachers…"
Just a quik two that made me take notice & wonder:
4th pp under "The Anti Christs" –> "…he **makes** mankind to reject God's will…"
[Satan cannot **make** man do anything! …should be: he deceives & tempts…]
3rd pp under ""The Anti Christ:" –> "…Every Spirit that doesn't show that Jesus has entered(come) and taken residence in a person(the flesh)…" [the flesh?? How about maybe only our spirit?]
The post seems to be a hook trolling for more 'adherents', so I thot you should be aware of it…
Hello Suzanne
As one who is mathematically challenged, I agree with you. I am in awe of this evidence, truly amazing. Something the book of Mormon cannot lay claim to with its false records.
Hello Nathan
This series of short, succinct videos is really effective!
I am wondering about the valuables of Tyre being moved; do you know if their removal was based on knowledge of Ezekiel 26?
VERY GOOD! BEAUTIFUL BLOG! I believe that God created the
man and left the instruction manual? a, a 'B? BLIA
SACRED!? The B? BIBLE? reveals the divine? the word
of God and does the canned goods, I usually say
that: • People need to stop eating everything
that d? o. And eat? Air to question! ? Someone? M listening
something from someone? m, and speaking out, without
questioning, wondering if? true or not? o. The
People need to ask! Being? that my
cren? to this according to the law of God? Being? that
the religion? what I was born I was always told the truth?
When a person dies it goes to where? It
back? The b? BLIA supports homosexuality? Who DOES NOT
inherit the kingdom of God? What should I know about
idolatry, images and sculpture? What should I know
about? single baptism? Being? which has a single one? AGENCY
to save? it? Who do I confess me, who
can you forgive me? Religion? Saves someone? M? These and
other questions and answers:
You? can tell, I j? I am saved? m! Let's atr? S
who DOES NOT this one? If you? want to get along with
world is hip? crit, but if you? want to get along
It has to be true!? Share this site
because:? Behold v? m days, saith the Lord Jehovah? in
will send a famine on earth, no? the famine of p? the,
nor a thirst for? water, but of hearing the words of
Lord. And go? The bums at a sea? another sea,
and at the north? the east; run? throughout the
to seek the word of the Lord, and n? to the
find? o. "(Am? s 8 see Chapter 11 and 12) Tell
others, why? n Lord? the delays
his promise, as some t? m by late: but
? long? nimo to you, no? the willing that any
lost, sin? that all should come to repentance.
? (II Peter chapter 3. See 8) and 'What does it all
men to be saved and come to the knowledge of
truth. Because h? a s? God, and an s? Mediator
between God and men, the man Jesus Christ. (The I
Tim? Teo cap 2 see 5 and 6) Whether you b? BLIA, cat? Lica
or evang? lesson here you? will take your questions.
Know the truth and the truth shall make you free
(John? 8 See chap 32) If you? have the courage to
ask, b? BLIA have? courage to reply!
@Suzanne, thank you for those encouraging words!
@DrNoFog, no sorry, haven't heard of Arthur Jason, at least by name. Trying to check Who's Who, but it's down at the moment.
@Sue, self-fulfilling prophecy concerning Tyre? Hmm.
Dr nofog… hope u dont mind, but i chked that site out. I just wanted to add that i thot it interesting he says…… greater is he that is in the church than he that is in the world…. hmmmmm
Sue, i started a dicipleship course with arnold f. today. Hard to read all that on my lil phone, but praise God im very excited!!!!!! Ive researched him a bit and think he is a very good teacher.
Susie said "…Drnofog…hope u dont mind, but i chked that site out…"
LOL! Sorry Susie, but I had to laff at that 1!!
I'm not yer hubby so your don't hafta axe my permission!!
…and besides, that's the whole purpose of solid Christian Blogs like this; to encourage one another, to be strong in the WORD, to grow in discernment, AND to be aware of the wiles of the devil..[Be "wise as serpents", NOT just "harmless as doves". Both are a single command to be taken together!!]
BTW, you did good! That is the work of the HS, and He is tuning in yer discernment [My sheep hear my voice, as promised!]
John 10:4-5
"4 And when he puts forth his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know NOT the voice of strangers."!!
Hello Susie
Great stuff with AF for all things Jewish and a strong foundation.
Good advice from DrNofog!
Certain types of fella's expect all women to be obedient to them just like their wives are – but no, wives are subject ONLY to their OWN husbands, in honouring The Lord, not anyone elses.
However I do defer to God's order, and feel safer checking my own studies with sound bros. It puts me brakes on, and stops EI from running amok; as it was Eve that was deceived. Better wait and be certain ideas fit the commands of God rather than 'tother way round. To obey is better than sacrifice.
Its one thing to KNOW God's commands in the N.T. and quite another to actually apply them in life. For the sake of all those I can hear crying ‘law’ and ‘legalism’, to obey God’s commands is a 'work' in sanctification for all born again believers; it is not a work FOR justification (to become born again) which is totally FREE by God’s Grace with no works. Praise The Lord.
God bless all your studies for Jesus.
I was just being polite. This is the first blog i have ever been on, thats all.
In looking back a little ways, I see you recently picked up using the 'at' symbol in addressing us peeps.
Hope that wasn't one of yer New Years resolutions as it seems a little less friendly for this site.
…More reminiscent of secular news feeds where the 'commenters' start slugging it out wif 1 another…
Just sayin'…
I knew that already. Jest funnin' with ya!
Hello Susie
It occurs to me that my comment to you sounded like EI was reading you the riot act. Many apologies if it did sound bolshy; really I was just thinking out loud, as it wasn't long ago a certain gent called me a 'feminist stormtrooper'; which had me and my god-daughter in fits of hysterics, eyes watering, the lot. What a hoot! DrNofogs tease brought it back to me.
Big hug Susie 🙂
@Susie, if you like to learn from Arnold Fruchtenbaum, he'll be a speaker at our annual conference the end of June this year. His rabbi jokes are always funny.
@DrNoFog, "@" is used to keep up with the FB and Twitter terminology. A Millennial Gen wouldn't know I'm addressing them without the "@" symbol. 😉
Dr nofog… 🙂 i no… im just a lil sensitive for some reason but thx….. its been one month since i quit smoking and today seems to be a real trial for me!! Urgh!!
Sue….. u didnt sound that way at all…. hug back…:)
@nathan (haha)….. i wish i could come to texas and see u and a.f. …. some day…. im still tryin to picture u guys pushing my wheel chair down the dirt road at maranatha acres!! Hahahahaha
Yea… a.f.'s dicipleship course is awesome… i have already learned a treasure full!
I will never use the @ symbol!!!
Okay, I just did. But I'll never use it in front of a person's name.
I'm old, okay! I'll be 50 soon! I don't get the whole @ thing.
I don't FB, I don't twitter, I don't i-phone or i-pad, I don't laptop, I don't wireless, I don't HDTV, I don't blu-ray…
Okay…I am good at PC games so I'm not a total loser. I mean Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike, etc., not just solitaire, Peggle, etc.
Nathan just thinks he's all cool now…… us ol folk just cant keep up! O …. what does the @ mean before the name !!????? 🙂
Chuck Smith did that same presentation 40 years ago. While it is important stuff, I think credit should be given.
@JohnM, if Chuck Smith made such a presentation he also got it from Peter Stoner's book Science Speaks which I give credit to. That and 40 years ago Chuck didn't have computer animation! 😉
@Billy, on your way to walking uphill both ways in the snow to get to school, stop by the Command & Conquer series. Excellent gaming!
@Susie, I'd gladly wheel you around Maranatha Acres. Cathie in the mailroom's husband just quite smoking (again). It's quite a battle, but the Lord will get you both through it. We're praying!
Nathan, thank u … ur a sweet young man. (For a cult leader….hahahaha)
Since we now have computers, people can't fool others with content. Be original. God will give you insights if you go to him. I know there is pressure to make presentations to have content for your web page.
Chuck didn't need computers. He had unction from the Holy Spirit.
Plargarizing is easilied discovered in this day.
Be original? Surely that's exactly what Joseph Smith did.
I am certain Chuck Smith would agree that he had what the disciples didn't have – the printing press and electricity to convey God's Word. What the disciples did have was the Roman road system that speeded communication. Likewise, C.S. just like D.R. is making good use of the internet super highway to speed communication before ‘the day’ comes to an end.
Plagiarism is illegal use of literature and claiming an article as one’s own instead of giving credit where it is due. L&L DO give rightful credit to a worth repeating piece of information.
My friend, you need to remember that there are brand new believers being saved all the time who haven’t yet had the opportunity to read all that you have managed to absorb since before PC.
Just as there was no competition between Peter and Paul in declaring the truth; likewise with other ministries today with everyone beavering away in their divinely appointed vineyards, all around the world, all aiming for the same purpose. To preach the Gospel, make disciples and warn against wolves in sheep’s clothing.
A genuine Biblical critique is of benefit, but your observations are invalid ‘potholes’ of petty hindrance to the furtherance of God’s Word. If you can't help in the work, don't impede those who can.