Welcome to the second “Bible Prophecy Insights” video, where you get an awesome insight into God’s prophetic word — in just one minute! These specially produced computer animated videos hosted by Nathan Jones of Lamb & Ministries are designed to be shared all over the Internet, drawing people to the outright amazing promises God has for us all. Our hope is that you’ll learn from, enjoy, and pass these messages on to family, friends and acquaintances so that they too may know the spiritual richness of Bible prophecy.
Enjoy and God bless!
Bible Prophecy Insight
Jesus promised He would return.
While we cannot know the day or hour, Jesus did give us some signs to look out for. They’d come more frequent and intense — like birth pains — the closer He got. Deadly natural disasters, crumbling morality, spiritual apostasy, world wars, technological breakthroughs, and the greatest sign of all — Israel would become a nation again. After almost 1,900 years of the Jews living in exile, it happened in 1948.
Wow! We are truly living in the season of Jesus’ return.
Are you ready?
Learn more by reading 50 Reasons Why We Are Living in the End Times!
Years ago when Dr. Reagan first started, he put out a video from one of his conferences about prophetic events of the 20th century. Yes it was quit rough as he had minimal equipment and was just getting started. However, it had a powerful message as I watched it many times. Years have pasted and I have lost that copy. Is there any chance of the DVD still being available? I would love to have another copy of it at any price.
David, all available conference presentations can be found on our Bible Prophecy Resources online resource center.