The Christ in Prophecy Journal

Tonight Matters: Responding to the Muslim Brotherhood

How should governments respond to the Muslim Brotherhood?

On Wednesday, January 25th I was interviewed by hosts Matt Buff and Jim Fletcher of the Rapture Ready Radio show, broadcast over BlogTalkRadio. During the second hour of their two hour live show we talked about the growing interest in Bible prophecy, the importance of teaching the Creation, Lamb & Lion Ministries’ new ministry initiatives in reaching people for Christ, the top five questions every Christian should know, the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, and how Christians should respond to non-Christian candidates when it comes time to vote. Matt Buff also simultaneously chatted online with people listening to the show, taking questions from the audience.

Rapture Ready Radio

Hillary Clinton’s Response

Matt Buff: Let’s move over to some other people who use a playbook for life — the Koran — and that would be the Muslim Brotherhood.

Nathan Jones: Oh, yes, Islam is a very well organized, very ambitious, goal-orientated team.

Matt Buff: They certainly are, and they’re getting things done, be it to the detriment of people who have friends in Israel or friends in the United States. And yet, U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton says otherwise. She says, “We believe given the changing political landscape in Egypt, that is in the interest of the United States to engage with all parties that are peaceful and committed to non-violence that intent to compete for the parliament and the presidency. And we welcome therefore dialogue with those Muslim Brotherhood members who wish to talk with us.”

Secretary Clinton just said she wants to talk to people that are about peace and non-violence, so she can’t be talking about the Muslim Brotherhood, right?

Nathan Jones: Secretary Clinton doesn’t have a very good grasp of history and how Islam came to conquer so much of the world. Just think about the churches that Paul and others in the Early Church planted around in what is now present day Turkey and how vibrant they grew, that is until Islam came and within one generation had slaughtered every Christian. Asia Minor saw Christians living underground for decades hiding from Islam, because in dealing with Islam either you convert or you die.

There’s nothing about Islam that’s a religion of peace. God bless George W. Bush, but I think that was the biggest mistake of his whole presidency was when he got in front of the world and declared that Islam is a religion of peace and that we were fighting terrorists, not fighting a war against Islam.

Newt Gingrich’s Response

Nathan Jones: I love what Newt Gingrich said recently. Now, I’m not supporting any particular candidate here, but recently Gingrich got in real hot water with the Council on American Islamic Relations who are now saying he’s against Islam and even going as far as claiming he’s a bigot. Gingrich proved he really has an understanding of Sharia Law, that Seventh Century Islamic law which is all about living according to the Koran alone. He pointed out that Islamic dominated Turkey is not as secular Islamic as they claim to be, as there’s been a 1,400% increase in woman being killed under Sharia Law as it becomes more dominant in their country.

Gingrich also said this, “I think the time has come for us to have an honest conversation about Islamic radicalism. I don’t think we should be intimidated by our political [leaders]. And, I don’t think we should be intimidated by universities who have been accepting money from the Saudi’s and who therefore now have people who are apologists for the very people who want to kill us.”

Interesting! This is why liberal professors support Islamic advances, because he claims they’re on the take!

Newt Gingrich goes on to make another point, “This is not a war on terrorism because terrorism is an activity. This is a struggle with radical Islamists and both their militant and their stealth forms.” One of the counters Gingrich is suggesting is that he wants a federal law made which bans Sharia as a replacement for American law. He understands that Islam isn’t just a religion, but a way of life that encompasses every level of society, especially the legal system.

Isn’t it interesting that people like these liberal professors who have no religion just kind of assume that all religions are the same and that they all have the same goals of being peaceful and loving? But that’s just not true. Islam is an ideology. It’s an ideology that one can only follow Allah if you engage in conquering and the conquest of the world for Allah. That’s the reality of it.

Sadly, we have this hippy generation which has come into power which thinks that we can all sing Kumbaya and if we talk to the people who hate us enough they’ll eventually bow to our views and then we will all just get along. That’s not the case! That’s not reality. Instead, the Muslims are very determined, especially if you look at President Ahmadinejad in Iran whose sole purpose is to bring about the return of the Twelfth Imam, this kid who supposedly fell in a well in like the Twelfth Century and is supposedly coming back to help lead Islam in ruling the world, particularly the Shiite branch of Islam. What we’re truly facing is an ideology that’s bent on world conquest.

We cannot kowtow to Islam and apologize for it and all without actually allowing Islam to take over. A wonderful example of appeasement is in Europe and particularly England where they’re having tremendous problems with their growing Muslim populations. I’m sure you are familiar with Geert Wilder and his video Fitna and other videos showing that Islam is taking over because of the West’s passive view, this kind of Star Trek: The Next Generation view that we need to embrace all cultures and all civilizations, even the ones that are trying to kill us. And do you know what? We deserve to die if that is the way we are going to look at this threat, because we are too stupid to realize that we actually have an enemy that’s hell bent on annihilating us.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Response

Jim Fletcher: Look at the contrasts between Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul and Barack Obama in the way they look at this threat. Then look at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who is presenting the most naive view of the Muslim Brotherhood.

I noticed that in the CNN article about her announcement that the U.S. would be willing to engage in dialogue with the Brotherhood, the Brotherhood spokesman in Egypt reacted with a typically arrogant, aggressive counter statement. He started off by saying that the U.S. has supported dictators and the U.S. is the most hated country in the Middle East, etc., etc. He showed that the more you attempt to reach out to these radical Islamic leaders the more in your face they are.

I think this endless appeasement really speaks to a complete breakdown of discernment among our political leaders, very few of whom have a Biblical worldview at all. I think their lack of a biblical worldview is the key as to why they don’t recognize the threat and the danger.

Nathan Jones: Yes, it’s that weird liberal view that happened once before. Think about the political climate before WWII. When you want to embrace your enemy because you think they can only do good since they don’t really have a sin nature, that’s the foundation of the liberal view. They believe all people are inherently good and so therefore they can be reasoned with and they can come to a decision to do the right thing. But, the Bible teaches that people are inherently evil and when given the chance with power or money they will take advantage of it and hurt other people. That’s the way the world really works.

President Obama and Hillary Clinton, God bless them, they have this liberal view that’s just not connected to the real world. Like Neville Chamberlain back before WWII with his arms open to Hitler, and yet Hitler came anyway and started conquering all of Europe. As long as we have our open arms to an ideology that’s bent on world conquest and oppressive Sharia Law, then we will be conquered. They have no intention of being our friends, for they believe their eternal destiny is dependent on being conquerors for Allah.

Matt Buff: They do. I want to read this quote because it’s just insane. This member of the Muslim Brotherhood says, “The U.S. administration has supported dictators for decades and authorized torture, repression, and colonization. The U.S. is hated in the Middle East region more than other country according to polls published in the U.S. If the U.S. is serious about opening a dialogue they must first respect the people’s choice for a true democracy, independence, and respect their choice of leaders. We would welcome the open dialogue if they are serious and transparent.” He does not work for Barack Obama, but it sounds very similar.

Nathan Jones: Of course these Islamic leaders hate the United States, because we keep on stopping them from trying to conquer the world. They should hate us.

If your want an example of what Islam truly looks like, then there’s the need to go to Nigeria. Follow the news in Nigeria. Our ministry particularly supports a native missionary living there. The life for Christians in what supposedly is one of the most Christianized nations in all of Africa is awful as the Christians there are being slaughtered.

This native missionary of ours there was preaching in his church when a gang of Islamic radical Boko Haram came in and shot up his entire church. He and his family managed to flee to the military force, but they were wounded with bullet holes. The police finally stepped in, but their President Goodluck Jonathan who is supposed to be a Christian is doing nothing about these frequent Islamic massacres. The military just dropped the pastor and his family off on the side of the road. Another time the same group of Boko Haram came in and burned down their entire village. And, they didn’t just burn it down, they hacked many of the townspeople to death with machetes. This is the life for this pastor who is living as a Christian witness in bringing the Gospel to his fellow Nigerians.

Islam is supposed to be the religion of peace. It is not! There is no example of Islam ever showing itself to be the religion of peace.

There is a side to Islam that believes in world conquest but through peaceful means. Their strategy is by gradually growing and growing into a society, they’ll have to become more accepted. Eventually they’ll succeed. In all the examples of Islam taking over by aggressive immigration, the native laws give way to Sharia Law, and you end up with the same result as those who conquer by jihad — a nation that is conquered for Allah. That’s how Mohammed set up the religion of Islam. He set it up to be a conquering religion that takes over the world for Allah.

I’ve read the Koran and I’ve studied Islam, and when you read about it I’ve had to conclude that the description of Allah is essentially also the description of Satan. Like Satan, Allah is distant and cold, he doesn’t believe in the Trinity, and he believes in the conquest of the world. The gifts that he gives his faithful are always sensual and pleasurable, and never are they spiritual. Allah is very clearly not the God of love and peace that is the God of the Bible. And, it irks me when Christians say that Allah and Jehovah God are one and the same. They are totally different. I would even go as far as saying that Allah is Satan.

In the next part of this Rapture Ready Radio interview, Matt, Jim and I will discuss what Muslims believe concerning the end times.

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Dr. Nathan E. Jones

As the Internet Evangelist at Lamb & Lion Ministries, Nathan reaches out to the over 4.5 billion people accessible over the Internet with the Good News of Jesus Christ. He also co-hosts the ministry's television program Christ in Prophecy and podcast The Truth Will Set You Free.

8 CommentsLeave a Comment

  • Artilce "I love what Newt Gingrich said recently. Now, I'm not supporting any particular candidate here…"

    But I CAN…my first choice: Newt Gingrich for President! My second choice: Rick Santorum. Forget the rest.

    Article: "Sadly, we have this hippy generation which has come into power which thinks that we can all sing Kumbaya and if we talk to the people who hate us enough they'll eventually bow to our views and then we will all just get along."

    Brings up interesting point. How to deal with individuals vs. nations. We should try to reach out as Christians to ALL individual unsaved souls in the hope of bringing them to Christ. But that is different to how nation must deal with nation. As a nation we must do everything in our power to deter, or if necessary, destroy any government that is threatening the survival of America or Israel.

    Article: "Then look at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who is presenting the most naive view of the Muslim Brotherhood."

    Actually, I would say it is, embarassingly, a Republican that is the most radically out of line person in the mix and that is Ron Paul. He goes further than negociate with the muslim brotherhood, he says let them alone to do whatever they want to.

    Article: "President Obama and Hillary Clinton, God bless them, they have this liberal view that's just not connected to the real world. Like Neville Chamberlain back before WWII with his arms open to Hitler, and yet Hitler came anyway and started conquering all of Europe."

    I don't get the context of "God bless them". God bless those that placate and are afraid to stand up to the likes of Hitler and the muslim that was to do Hitler's bidding and kill all the Jews? What am I missing here?

    Article: "Of course these Islamic leaders hate the United States, because we keep on stopping them from trying to conquer the world."

    I think they hate us because most because we keep them from wiping Israel off the face of the map.

    Article: "Eventually they'll succeed. In all the examples of Islam taking over by aggressive immigration, the native laws give way to Sharia Law, and you end up with the same result as those who conquer by jihad — a nation that is conquered for Allah."

    If the United States re-elects the first muslim President, Barak Hussein Obama, then this will be true for the U.S., too. For those who say Obama is not a muslim, I challenge you with this…what lifelong Christian do you know that would ever misspeak and say "my muslim faith" like Obama did???!!!

    Article: "I would even go as far as saying that Allah is Satan."

    I say…there is NO allah.

  • The Muslim Brotherhood is the grandfather to all modern terror groups. In the 1930's & 40's they allied themselves with the Nazis. They printed and distributed Mein Kampf in Arabic along with the anti-Semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion. They have been independently involved in nearly every major war Israel has had since its rebirth. Their Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood is Hamas.

    If any of you are not familiar with a man by the name of Amin Al Husseini study up on him. He rose to power around the same time as the Muslim Brotherhood formed in the 1920's. He commanded several Waffen SS Nazi units in Europe. Yes, there were actually Muslim Nazis employed by Hitler. Following the fall of Berlin he fled to Cairo. There he formed a pro-Nazi political party. He set up schools across the Middle East to immerse students in the Quran and radicalize them. Students that went these schools include Osama Bin Ladin and Ayman al-Zawahiri (who is a member of the Muslim Bros.). Husseini is a founding member of the League of Arab Nations. Following a failed assassination attempt a young Saddam Hussein fled to his Uncle's old friend, Husseini, in Egypt to hide. Also, Husseini's nephew left to form his own terror group, this nephew was Yasser Arafat.

  • Hi Susie,

    I've never heard this before, but no, they did not attend the same school. Bin Laden attended an elite school in Saudi Arabia and Obama attended a school in Indonesia for part of his childhood.


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