The Christ in Prophecy Journal

Answering Questions About the Tribulation: The Two Witnesses

QA The Tribulation

Who are the Two Witnesses from Revelation 11?

[Note: This and other questions sent in to Lamb & Lion Ministries about the Tribulation were answered by Dr. David Reagan, Nathan Jones, and Tim Moore on our television program Christ in Prophecy.]

Nathan Jones: According to Revelation 11, God will also send the Two Witnesses to lead people to Jesus Christ. During the first 3.5 years of the Tribulation, God is going to place two Jewish prophets to minister in the heart of Jerusalem. These men will perform much like the Old Testament prophets. They can perform great miracles and signs. They condemn the world with their preaching, but they also try to lead people to Christ.

Interestingly, after 3.5 years, God lets the Two Witnesses be murdered by the Antichrist. Their dead bodies are gazed upon for 3.5 days until God resurrects and then raptures them up to Heaven. Once the whole world sees that miracle, many more people will become saved and join the Tribulation Saints.

So, I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit will be quite active in bringing people to Christ during the Tribulation. By the end of those seven years, everyone will know for a fact that there is a God and they will know about Jesus Christ’s gift of salvation. All people during that time will receive the opportunity to choose Christ or not.

Dr. Reagan: I’d imagine that there are going to be millions of Bibles left behind due to the Rapture. That’s why I tell people over and over to go to the front of your Bible and write the plan of salvation in there for those left behind to read. Those left behind are not going to have a chance to openly study the Bible in great detail before the Antichrist’s great persecution of the Jews and Tribulation Saints begins.

Dr. Reagan: There are going to be millions of Bibles left behind due to the #Rapture. Go to the front of your #Bible and write the plan of #salvation in there for those #LeftBehind to read. Click To Tweet

And then there will be all of the Christian material that will be left behind on the Internet such as Bible teachings via video and audio that ministries from all over the world have been producing. Surely, there’s going to be access to those Bible-teaching resources for some time, at least before the Antichrist can block them all out.

Tim Moore: Internet articles and videos, books, DVDs, and so many other materials that Christians have for so many years produce will still be available for those who have been left behind to watch and read. So many people will be exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ during the Tribulation.

Nathan Jones: I believe Lamb & Lion Ministries’ greatest impact will not happen before the Rapture, but after the Rapture. All of the Bible teachings materials that Dr. Reagan has produced, along with other of us in the ministry that we’ve produced, will remain available online for a period of time after the Rapture. I’ve tried to place our Bible teachings all over the Internet and not put all of our eggs in one basket, meaning one website, so that people as soon as the Rapture happens can search and receive answers to their questions. We’ve even created a left behind video titled Jesus Came. What’s Next? so that people can learn what will be happening to them during the Tribulation.

Dr. Reagan: What are some of the theories as to who these Two Witnesses will be?

Nathan Jones: Well, there are all sort of theories. Most assume they will be Moses and Elijah. Dr. Reagan, I know you particularly adhere to them being Enoch and Elijah. Others say they are just two Jewish guys who get saved after the Rapture, which is the way I lean. I can honestly say, “I don’t know!” And, I probably won’t know until they’re brought up to Heaven and will then be like, “Oh, that’s who they are!”

Dr. Reagan: Some people assume they are going to be Elijah and Moses based on the miracles that the Two Witnesses perform. But then, Elijah didn’t die and Enoch didn’t die. Enoch was a Gentile and Elijah was a Jew, so God would have both a Gentile and a Jewish voice proclaiming His messages. We don’t know for sure, but we do know that they are going to be supernaturally protected by the Lord until the Antichrist comes to Jerusalem.

Tim Moore: And, the book of Malachi indicates that Elijah will arrive as a forerunner before the Messiah arrives.

In the sixth segment of answering questions about the Tribulation, the Christ in Prophecy team will examine the Mark of the Beast.

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Dr. Nathan E. Jones

As the Internet Evangelist at Lamb & Lion Ministries, Nathan reaches out to the over 4.5 billion people accessible over the Internet with the Good News of Jesus Christ. He also co-hosts the ministry's television program Christ in Prophecy and podcast The Truth Will Set You Free.

2 CommentsLeave a Comment

  • I downloaded “Jesus Came. What’s Next?”, great job. One question, when are the 144,000 men set apart, and do they live thru the 7 years? Thanks, you do a great job!

    • Earl, so good to hear our left behind video was a blessing to you and prayerfully to those you leave it with! I believe that Revelation is teaching that the 144,000 Jewish evangelists (Rev. 7 & 14) will be present throughout the whole Tribulation, saved during the Seal Judgments. The Two Witnesses (Rev. 11) will only be in the first 3.5 years of the Tribulation, having been killed and resurrected during the timing of the Trumpet Judgments.

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