Let’s join Dr. Dave Bowen for a deep dive into how the world is becoming as violent as it was in the days of Noah!
Did Many People Disappear?
Millions of people have suddenly disappeared. You're scared and you have lots of questions. The video below was prepared just for...
Read MoreAnimals Will Be at Peace with Mankind
I turn my thoughts to the coming of Jesus Christ and His Millennial Kingdom… and the food we will eat then. If food is so...
Read MoreIs Your Boat Rocking? How Jesus Provides Us with Shalom
Is a storm raging about you today? Is your boat rocking—either from the waves or from your fretting?
Read MoreHow to Live in the Eye of the Storm
Are you being battered by the gales of this life, or are you living in the eye of the storm?
Read MoreGoing Up to Yahweh Shammah: The Jerusalem of the Kingdom
In the not-too-distant Millennial Kingdom, every faithful follower of King Jesus will behold a city far grander than the vague...
Read MoreGod Heard Yesterday the Prayers We Lift Up Today
Leading up to the election, we did not know definitively who the next President of the United States would be—but God did. God heard yesterday the prayers we lift up today.
A Biblical Argument For Why Christians Should Vote
Why should Christians vote? Tim Moore of the Lamb & Lion Ministries evangelism team presents the biblical arguments.
80% of Believers Say the Bible is NOT the Literal Word...
Let’s join Dr. Dave Bowen in a deep dive into how Christianity is losing its biblical worldview!
Onward Christian Soldiers!
What's the proper Christian soldier's mindset? And do we have any hope of a reward for our sufferings?
Don’t Be Led Astray by the Metaverse
Let’s join Dr. Dave Bowen in a deep dive into Metaverse's diabolical plans to control every aspect of your life!
The Error of the Hebrew Roots Movement
Does the Hebrew Roots Movement with its adherence to the Mosaic Law offer a true path to salvation and Heaven?
The Mainstream Media Claims Jerusalem Is Not in Israel
Let’s join Dr. Dave Bowen in a deep dive into the Mainstream Media's insane claim that Jerusalem is not in Israel!
America in the Balance: Are We Past the Point of No...
Now we'll explore our responsibilities as Christians living as both citizens in a fallen world and in Christ's kingdom yet to come.
America in the Balance: Are We Past the Point of No...
Our culture and many of our leaders clamor to be shed of the Lord God and His Anointed. Here. In America.
The UN Just Signed Its Own Death Certificate
Let’s join Dr. Dave Bowen in a deep dive into the pact the United Nations just agreed to that further usher in the One World Order!
During Netanyahu’s UN Address, I Saw Bible...
Now we will review the past, present, and future prophecies concerning Israel.
During Netanyahu’s UN Address, I Saw Bible...
In the end times — in accordance with Bible prophecy — all the nations of the world will turn against Israel.
Remembering the October 7th Massacre
A year ago today, the terrorist organization known as Hamas launched an attack on Israel that shocked the world by its savagery and murderous hate. The resulting war continues to rage in...
Mandatory Biometric National IDs Are Here!
Believers today, although they won’t be faced with taking the Mark of the Beast, may experience some of the pains involved in setting up that Antichrist system. For example, the world is...