The Christ in Prophecy Journal

Radio Week: Easter in Psalm 22


On Easter this past April 4th, I was asked by Vic Batista, senior pastor of the Miami-based Calvary Chapel Aventura, to guest host his radio program Eyes on the Word. “Pastor Vic” (as he likes to be called) was born in the Dominican Republic and is as active in planting churches there as he is in southern Florida, reaching out with the Good News of Jesus Christ to both English and Spanish speaking audiences. Lamb & Lion Ministries is very blessed to be having Vic as our opening speaker in October’s Future Hope Conference (keep an eye out on our Events page).

Pastor Vic Batista

In this “Eyes on the Word” episode, I answer the question, “Was Jesus’ death and resurrection foretold in Bible prophecy?” Indeed, it was, even 1,000 years before the ultimate work of salvation was completed on the cross by the Son of God. Jesus through King David in Psalm 22 records his very own agony on the cross as well as His triumph over death and sin.Listen to the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection in His very own words in this impacting 30 minute radio show!

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Dr. Nathan E. Jones

As the Internet Evangelist at Lamb & Lion Ministries, Nathan reaches out to the over 4.5 billion people accessible over the Internet with the Good News of Jesus Christ. He also co-hosts the ministry's television program Christ in Prophecy and podcast The Truth Will Set You Free.

14 CommentsLeave a Comment

  • Nathan, or should I say Pastor Nathan?

    Thank you for this insightful explanation of Psalms 22. The 'roaring lions' part specifically, now makes sense to me. …the 'dogs' too. Thanks.

    These animals references get a little confusing…"Anyone who is among the living has hope-even a live DOG is better off than a dead LION." Ecclesiastes 9:4

    What are the clues, it was John who left his robe?…robe of righteousness?


  • Is it possible that the young man and Jesus in Mark 14:51 has something to do with Leviticus 16? Sacrificed goat and goat sent into desert?


  • Was John the scapegoat? Jesus was the sacrifice, so no, not John. Jill, I'd say John's cloak had no symbolic meaning. The boy just got scared and raaaan! (Least he was the only Apostle to come to the cross.)

  • Give me one more shot. :)This text is historical and seems to have another layer, maybe more than one layer. There are many similarities between this man and Jesus.

    1) Jesus and this man were both "young men". 2)Jesus and this man both ended up "naked". 3)Jesus and this man were both "seized"…Greek "krateō". 4)Both Jesus and this man wore a linen death cloth…Greek
    "Sidon". This word Sidon is only used in the Bible to describe the burial cloth of Jesus…no where else.

    I agree, this young man was not a disciple…not one that would later called one of the Apostles. He was a follower of Jesus, a Christian who stuck in there later than most, but ran away after being seized. It says he "was following Jesus". In v. 50…the disciples had already left. The woman stood at a distance(Mark 15:40)

    Jesus had a purple Robe thrown on him…this young man had a linen buriel robe thrown on him. Both, in a sense ready for burial…but the young man was able to run away…like the goat into the desert. Jesus was sacrificed at the alter.

    2 goats brought to the priest (Leviticus 16:7), one offered as a sin offering(Jesus) the other the goat released into the desert. Funny, to think this goat excapes with its life, even with all the sin place upon it. Maybe that is why this young man dropped the robe…that burial cloth…he should rightfully pay the price for sin and that is death. But because of Jesus he lives and no longer wears the death cloth. Just like us. We wear robes of white linen…hopefully. This is a different Greek work for linen than the one the young man has one.

    None-the-less…even if we don't agree. I hope we agree it is good to know what the Word says and try to understand it the best we can. And I do enjoy reading your writings.


  • Young man…Greek "neaniskos". I don't think this term ever described one of the 12…should I say 11 disciples.


  • Mark 14:50, "Then everyone deserted him and fled."

    Such a curious statement when followed by this young man who is still there. He stayed a little while longer.

    I wonder if "everyone" refers to a collective group…like a nation, or city…or group of disciples? 🙂

    Anyway, truly, this is just for fun. I don't want to be part of a "tweetle-beetle-battle".(That is from Fox in Sox, Dr. Seuz, if you do not have young children.)

    The bigger truth and is we should rightfully recieve the penalty of death but because of the blood of Jesus are saved.

    Take care,

  • Sorry to pull out the big guns…well, not really…just fun. Right? Christians should be able to make a case.

    Big gun…Spurgeon in sermon #3023 says this naked young man was most likely John Mark.

    Maybe that is what you are saying, but only using the first part of his name…John. If so, we agree. 🙂


  • We can both agree that it is odd for this young man to only be wearing this linen garmet when Peter warmed himself next to a fire. It was cold. Get some clothes on young man. I have to tell my kids that more often than one would think.


  • Nathan
    I have a cryptic sore on my head from scratching it!

    Curiouser and curiouser; it grows then shrinks in the looking glass, this enigma of wonderland???

    Don't worry about me – I'll be alright in a tick. 😀 Cheshire cat smile – vanishing – gone!

  • Nathan
    During the nocturnal wanderings of insomnia at 4 in the morning, I thought my post was hilarious.

    In the cold light of day,I see instead the hysterical thinking that can be produced by sleep deprivation.

    My apologies for any confusion caused by my weird sense of humour. :-/

  • Agreed…laughing at my own sleep deprived thinking. 🙂

    Any Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic language scholars that can explain why the word "Sidon" only shows up in the Bible in reference to the clothing this young man is wearing and the burial linen that Jesus was wrapped in? Why the connection?


  • Not 'sidon' but 'sindon' sounds like Sen-d-own
    The etymology is uncertain and may be a foreign word. (Perhaps the specific name of the garment?)

    1) linen cloth, esp. that which was fine and costly, in which the bodies of the dead were wrapped.
    2) thing made of fine cloth
    a) of a light and loose garment worn at night over a naked body

    vs 14 makes it clear that it is night time, past bedtime which was why they were all so tired. No doubt the young man had removed and folded his clothing ready for the morning while sleeping naked except for a fine linen night shirt; or some say it could have been a bed sheet.

    This makes sense in both instances as woollen or hair blankets needed for warmth are rough or itchy on bare skin. Events happened quickly, so he wouldn’t have had chance to put his clothes back on holding the cloth to cover his modesty. Everyone else fled for their lives, unlike them the young man hesitated to perhaps see if he could help Jesus in any way? When he was grabbed at he turned on his heels and ran after the others, losing his sheet in the scuffle.

    That's my literal interpretation on what I see as a very simple event. 🙂


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