The Christ in Prophecy Journal

Summary of 2012 Activities for Lamb & Lion Ministries

Summary of 2012 Activities for Lamb & Lion Ministries

The following is a summary of the outreach activities Lamb & Lion Ministries accomplish by the Lord’s hand in 2012. We pray that God will continue in 2013 to give us many opportunities to share the Good News and the message of Jesus’ soon return up until the Rapture.

1) Television and Video

  • Broadcast 52 weeks of Christ in Prophecy TV programs over five national networks and two regional networks with access to over 80 million homes inside the United States.
  • Broadcast via Daystar and Church Channel satellites to almost every nation in the world.
  • Produced a record number of 38 new “Christ in Prophecy” TV programs and revised 3 others.
  • Broadcast our 538th television program at the end of December.
  • Produced 2 new video albums and revised another.
  • Reproduced and distributed over 30,000 DVD video programs.

2) Internet and Website

  • Sent out 28 e-newsletters to 22,500 subscribers, sharing biblical messages and the electronic Lamplighter magazine.
  • Launched the Lamb & Lion App for iPhone, iPad and Android.
  • Experienced 180,000 to 250,000 unique visitors to our website each month.
  • Experienced growth of The Christ in Prophecy Facebook Group to over 5,000 members.
  • Experienced growth of our Twitter outreach to 1,800.
  • Posted 243 Bible prophecy related articles on “The Christ in Prophecy Journal” blog, celebrating the 1,000th article.
  • Streamed over 200 different “Christ in Prophecy” TV shows.
  • Answered hundreds of spiritual questions submitted by email and discussion forums.
  • Produced 3 Bible Prophecy Insights videos.
  • Podcast over 80,000 mp3s per month.

3) Preaching and Teaching

  • Completed a total of 20 speaking engagements: 13 Weekend conferences at churches. 7 Bible prophecy conferences.
  • Participated in 10 media interviews.
  • Conducted our first Skype TV interview and conference.

4) Publications

  • Published a Holy Land calendar for 2013.
  • Produced 6 issues of the Ministry’s magazine, The Lamplighter.
  • Continued publishing a version of our magazine in India.
  • Published a new book, The Man of Lawlessness.
  • Published a booklet, A Prophetic Manifesto and distributed copies to more than 17,000 pastors.
  • Published a customized version of The Tim LaHaye Bible Prophecy Study Bible.

5) Missions

  • Shipped Bible study materials to individuals and missions in many different foreign countries.
  • Supplied more than $22,000 for relief aid to Nigerian Christian refugees.
  • Provided regular monthly financial support to 19 missions — 8 domestic and 11 foreign.
  • Donated a total of more than $236,000 in cash and services to missions.

6) Israel

  • Conducted one Holy Land pilgrimage with 45 pilgrims.
  • Provided financial assistance to several ministries in Israel.

7) Conferences

  • Conducted our annual Bible conference with 850 attendees.
  • Hosted a conference in Louisville, Kentucky on the book of Revelation.
  • Participated in 6 Bible prophecy conferences sponsored by other ministries.

8) Finances

  • Received 21,712 gifts from 4,085 donors.
  • Experienced growth in Prophecy Partners to a total of 2,450.
  • Received re-certification as a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
  • Received a four star rating (the highest possible) from Charity Navigator.
  • Ended the calendar year with all bills paid in full for the 33rd year in a row.

Praise the Lord!

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Dr. Nathan E. Jones

As the Internet Evangelist at Lamb & Lion Ministries, Nathan reaches out to the over 4.5 billion people accessible over the Internet with the Good News of Jesus Christ. He also co-hosts the ministry's television program Christ in Prophecy and podcast The Truth Will Set You Free.

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  • Five Iranian Christian converts who were detained late last year will reportedly begin trial in Iran’s Revolutionary Court this week, according to a human rights group following the case.

    Please come back quickly, Lord!!!


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