The Christ in Prophecy Journal

Tune in to “The Truth Will Set You Free” Podcast!

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Back in 2009, I was attending the annual Pre-Trib Study Group conference held here in the Dallas, Texas area. This conference garners some of the greatest teaching and preaching minds in Bible prophecy, so naturally, the age range of the audience tends to skew on the more mature side.

And so, when the host made a call for strong young volunteers to come forward to help move some AV equipment to another room, I found myself and another “young guy” the only two answering the call.

This is how I first met Vic Batista, that other “young guy.” That marked the beginning of one of my most cherished friendships and long-term ministry partnerships. Vic’s naturally sunny disposition and encouraging nature made the chore of moving all of that heavy equipment a joy.

But then, how could he not be happy? After all, Vic was birthed on the cheery Caribbean island of the Dominican Republic and pastored a Calvary Chapel congregation in the tropical paradise of Miami.

Getting Acquainted

It wasn’t just Pastor Vic’s sunny-day background that made him so personable, but his wellspring of joy in the Lord Jesus Christ that perpetually emanates from his pastor’s heart. Vic exemplifies the joy of the Lord.

At the time, Vic was broadcasting over a local Miami FM radio station with his very own Bible teaching program called “Eyes on the Word.”

At the conference, he extended an invitation for me to call in as a guest on that program, which I was happy to accept. It didn’t take long for us to discover that we shared instant chemistry and a love of the proclamation of Jesus Christ’s soon return.

I was impressed by how creative Vic was in choosing our biblical topic to cover for each radio program, and how well researched he was in preparing for the lesson. During our interviews, he preferred to ask the questions and for me to answer them. And, since Miami’s first language apparently is Spanish, Vic fluidly slid with great ease from English to Spanish and back again as needed.

In every program, regardless of the topic, he would always steer our conversation with laser-like precision to a couple of themes: Bible prophecy and the Gospel. Vic wouldn’t end the program unless an invitation to accept Jesus Christ was offered. He even provided his own personal phone number for people to call for prayer. The guy truly impressed me.

Teaching Bible Prophecy

After the first program we recorded together, Vic then invited me to be on more and more programs until, at some unknown point over the years, I became the de facto co-host. And now, over an entire decade later, Vic and I are still recording our weekly teachings, but under the program’s new name, The Truth Will Set You Free.

As the times have changed, so too has the media, and we have moved from local radio to a globally downloadable podcast program with outlets over social media such as Facebook Live and TwitCasting.

Over the years, Vic and I have recorded teachings on pretty much every topic related to Bible prophecy in the light of current events. His Calvary Chapel penchant to teach verse-by-verse has led us to cover entire prophetic books of the Bible such as Daniel, Zechariah, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 Corinthians, Jude, 1 and 2 Peter and 1-3 John, with whole chapters taught out of Ezekiel, the Minor Prophets and the Gospels. We even taught verse-by-verse through the entire book of Revelation, which later became a multi-part blog series, and then finally was published as our book, The Mighty Angels of Revelation.

Joining the Team

Over the years, Vic has grown close to Lamb & Lion Ministries, and we have often seen him attending our various outreaches, both here in Texas and his native Florida. While preaching, I could look out across the attending crowd and find him sitting out there sporting a huge smile on his face, and still always ready to volunteer to lift and tote things. Vic has been an ongoing source of encouragement.

What a joy when Dr. Reagan extended an invitation for Vic to join our ministry as a volunteer assistant evangelist! From that day on, the ministry has become the sponsor of The Truth Will Set You Free podcast, which has been added as one of our many evangelistic outreaches.

How to Tune In

Vic and I would like to invite you to tune in to The Truth Will Set You Free. We’ll provide you every week with a biblical message with an eye towards the Lord’s triumphant return. We keep the teaching consistently at an every-person’s level, and remembering that there may be pre-Christians listening, we always end with a pointed Gospel invitation.

You can tune in by subscribing to The Truth Will Set You Free podcast through iTunes and Google Play or via RSS feed. The RSS feed also includes other radio programs our evangelists have been guests on, and you can listen to the audio version of our television program Christ in Prophecy.

Our hope is that you will be blessed and encouraged by these podcast teachings as they help you survive and thrive in these challenging last days.

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Dr. Nathan E. Jones

As the Internet Evangelist at Lamb & Lion Ministries, Nathan reaches out to the over 4.5 billion people accessible over the Internet with the Good News of Jesus Christ. He also co-hosts the ministry's television program Christ in Prophecy and podcast The Truth Will Set You Free.


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