While we as a nation continue to wallow in sinful rebellion against God, He continues in His love and mercy and patience to warn us of impending destruction, continuing to call us to repentance.
Since the death of Dave Wilkerson in 2011, God has raised up new prophetic voices whom He has mightily anointed. Let me identify four for you in particular.
One is Jonathan Cahn. He’s a Messianic-Jewish rabbi from New Jersey. He was invited to speak at the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast, which Obama skipped, and in that speech he said:
“The city on a hill has grown dark. Its lamp has grown dim. Its glory is fading. For God is not mocked. No nation can war against the very source of its blessings and expect those blessings to remain. And as it was with ancient Israel, the city on the hill now stands under the shadow of judgment.”
A second is Robert Jeffress, the pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas. He has written a powerful indictment of our nation titled Twilight’s Last Gleaming. And he states:
“Over the last 50 years, our Supreme Court has made four explosive decisions that have so weakened the moral and spiritual structure and foundation of our country that our inevitable collapse is certain. Right now we’re simply living between that time of the explosions that have weakened our basic foundation, and the coming implosion of our society.”
A third prophetic voice is Erwin Lutzer, the pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago. He has written a powerful book comparing trends in America today to those in Germany that led to the rise of Hitler. And in a recent sermon, he made these comments:
“Despite its foundational Christian heritage, America is rapidly degenerating into a godless society. The Church in America, although highly visible and active, appears powerless to redirect the rushing secular currents. Mired in moral and spiritual crisis, America’s only hope is a national revival, like God has graciously bestowed in the past.”
The fourth prophetic voice I would mention is David Jeremiah. He is the Pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California. He has written a condemning review of our nation’s rebellion against God entitled, I Never Thought I’d See the Day. Here is one of his observations:
“When I look at the changes that have occurred in the land I love and in the church I love even more just in my lifetime, I have to pinch myself to see if it’s a dream gone bad, the changes are coming so fast and furiously. The truth is, we can echo the words of Pogo in the old Walt Kelly comic strip: ‘We have met the enemy and he is us!’ We have allowed the world to conform us to its image instead of allowing the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to transform us into the image of Christ.”
Of course, there are other prophetic voices calling our nation to repentance and warning of imminent disaster, but these four seem to have received a special anointing from the Lord. And, to underline and emphasize these prophetic voices, God continues to pour out remedial judgments like natural calamities, economic stagnation and political confusion.
Hope Remains
This brings me to a crucial question: Is there any hope?
The answer depends on what you are talking about. If you are asking about our nation, my answer right now at this point and time is, “No, there’s no hope.” The reason is simple. Our only hope is Jesus, and we have no hope because we have rejected Him. Here’s how I put it in my Prophetic Manifesto:
“We have turned our back on the very God who made us great and showered us with blessings. We have forgotten that God’s Word teaches that, ‘to those to whom much is given, much is expected.’ We have stubbornly set our course. We have determined to live as we please and not as God has dictated. We have chartered a course of self-destruction, and God is going to allow us to have our way.”
But, there is good news in the midst of the growing spiritual darkness and the consequent decay of our society. There is individual hope for those of us who know Jesus as our Lord and Savior. He has promised to walk with us through the fire and high water, comforting us in sufferings and providing our needs. He has promised repeatedly in His Word that He will never forsake us.
Consider Deuteronomy 31:8, “The Lord, Yahweh, is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear, do not be dismayed.”
We also have the incredible hope of the Rapture of the Church, when true believers will be taken out of this world in the blink of an eye to be with Jesus forever.
There is also hope for those who do not know Jesus. As the darkness deepens, the light of Jesus will shine more brightly, like a diamond ring on a black cloth, and more and more people will be drawn to Him and their hearts will be penetrated by the Gospel.
The message of the Holy Spirit for believers in these end times is twofold: Commit your lives to holiness, and share the Gospel with as many people as you can, as quickly as you can.
The message of the Spirit is, “Jesus is coming soon.” He is returning to pour out the wrath of God on those who’ve rejected His grace, mercy and love. Reach out now and receive Him in faith as your Lord and Savior before it is too late.
Let us remember, that we must keep our eyes focused on Jesus, for He is the author and perfecter of our faith; who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
In summary, we are to stand for righteousness. We are to pray for courage. We are to commit our lives to holiness. We are to share the Gospel. We are to put our trust in Jesus and in Him alone.
Do not forget to cry out daily: “Maranatha, Maranatha, Maranatha! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!”