The promise to one day return to this earth to reign in glory and majesty was made by Jesus many times during His brief ministry of a little over three years. A good example can be found in Matthew 16:27 where Jesus is recorded as having said, “For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and will then recompense every man according to his deeds.” Psalm 2:6-8 says that when Jesus returns, He will reign from Mount Zion over all the nations of the world.
The world scoffs at the idea of Jesus’ return. To them, the whole concept is utterly absurd. Some professing Christians take the startling position that His promise to return was fulfilled in 70 AD, when God’s wrath was poured out on Jerusalem and the Jews through the Romans. The vast majority of Christendom takes the position that Jesus will never return to this earth to reign. To them, the so-called “Second Coming” will simply be an appearance of Jesus in the sky to call believers off the earth, returning with them to Heaven.
So, what about it?
- Do the biblical prophets promise a Second Coming of Jesus to this earth to reign?
- Did the heavenly host make such a promise?
- Did Jesus Himself make such a promise?
- And if such a promise was made, why has it not yet been fulfilled — after 2,000 years?
Further questions also come to mind —
- Does the Bible hint at a date for the Lord’s return?
- If not, why not?
- And, if so, then are there any signs we are to watch for?
- And if there are signs, are any on the scene today?
It is my thesis that both the biblical prophets and Jesus made a very definite promise that He would return to reign over all the world, and that the Bible gives us precise signs to watch for that will identify the season of His return. Further, I contend that the signs are all around us today, pointing to the fact that Jesus is at the very gates of Heaven, waiting for His Father’s command to return. In short, the theme of the ministry I serve is the proclamation that we are living on borrowed time.
And the crucial question for you is: Are you ready for Jesus to break from the heavens?
Would you like to go in-depth into a study of the signs of the end times? Then check out Dr. David Reagan’s comprehensive book, Living on Borrowed Time: The Imminent Return of Jesus!
I have some of Dr. Regan’s books but would like a list of the recent books and publications. I used to listen to Dr. Reagan on the radio about 25 years ago.
H. Dean Gates
Lewisville, Texas
Harold, you’ll find our complete listing of available books on our Bible Prophecy Resources website at
Dear Dr. Regan,
I’ve read with interest several of your articles. However I disagree with the statement “The vast majority of Christendom takes the position that Jesus will never return to this earth to reign. To them, the so-called “Second Coming” will simply be an appearance of Jesus in the sky to call believers off the earth, returning with them to Heaven.”
None of the Bible colleges, pastors and churches that I’ve ever been exposed to hold to such a teaching. They believe in the Rapture, but then Christ will return to the earth to establish His millennial reign. To not believe that is to deny the plain teaching of scripture.
I disagree with this statement especially when you claim, “The vast majority of Christendom” believes this. I don’t know where you have received this information, but I believe it to be very inaccurate.
Thank you.
This topic is so important in today’s world which is passing away daily.
Daniel 7:13-14 talks about Daniel’s vision.
And behold, One like the Son of Man, Coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, And they brought Him near before Him.
Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, That all people, nations, and languages should serve Him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion, Which shall not pass away, And His Kingdom the one Which shall not be destroyed. This is the movement toward which everything written in the book of Daniel is pointing.
Its the movement toward which everything in the Bible and all history is pointing to, The Beginning of All things, when God hands over to His Son Jesus the Messiah, the crown and scepter of the new Kingdom of God on earth.