The Christ in Prophecy Journal

Rise in Technology Points to Return of Christ

Tech Touch

In 330 B.C., Aristotle coined the word, “technologia,” to describe productive science. Distinguished from the merely theoretical, technology encompasses the practical and inventive output of mankind that makes life more comfortable and productive.

From simple levers and pulleys to the most advanced computers and vehicles, rising standards of living have generally been tied to steady increases in technology. But alongside positive developments, increasing technology has unleashed threats and risks on an unprecedented scale. A single soldier wielding a sword can wreak only so much havoc. A maniacal despot with nuclear weapons can annihilate millions.

Many Christians are surprised to learn that the Bible has much to say about technology. Although that word never appears in the pages of Scripture, man’s inclination toward technical inventiveness reflects the inquisitive and creative nature we are imbued with — and a degree of hubris that is self-destructive.

We only need to consider the technical advances that occurred in the past century to realize how fast technology has multiplied. At the beginning of the 20th century, horsepower referred to the number of beasts that could be yoked together. Trains and ships were driven by steam power. In less than 100 years, fledgling aircraft gave way to jumbo jets and rockets that reached the moon — and beyond.

In modern society, we all rely on technology, and take it for granted most of the time. You are reading this because technology allows it to be produced and distributed. Only when we step back and look through the lens of God’s prophetic Word do we realize that the Antichrist’s reign of terror will rely on the very technology that is being perfected today.

As the pieces fall into place, many of the Signs of Technology multiplying before our eyes also portend the season of the Lord’s return. What does the future hold? God only knows.

The Father in Heaven also knows the exact moment in human history when He will tell His Son, “Go, and get your Bride.”

That expectation thankfully gives us a blessed hope that is not technical, but immensely reassuring. As we examine the modern Signs of Technology, keep your eyes on the Ancient of Days, our soon-returning King, Jesus Christ!

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Tim Moore

Colonel Tim Moore serves as the Director and Senior Evangelist of Lamb & Lion Ministries. He leads pilgrimages to Israel and is the host of the television program Christ in Prophecy.

2 CommentsLeave a Comment

  • The signs are definitely showing up faster each day, which is a sign of urgency to be right with the Lord. I believe we are at a point of no return in society, as God has been pulled out of society, and he is the rudder that guides secure nations. Societies that don’t know Christ, have lost the ability to discern right from wrong. More and more technology is used for evil purposes and on a greater scale with destructive wars, there will be cosmic threats too. It will be good to be with the Lord in His Kingdom while the Tribulation is in progress. The New Heaven and New Earth will be created with peace and unity. Revelation 21.

  • Exodus 31: 1-6 clearly reveals that the knowledge, intelligence and ability to build and invent are given by God. The same knowledge and intelligence have benefitted man through technological intentions.

    However, the rapid increase in technology is an obvious sign that the return of our LORD and saviour is at hand. It is one of the numerous signs of the end time as mentioned in the scriptures.

    What we see and experience today as wars, natural disasters, increase in knowledge and many other signs are pointers to the fact that the time is short, and we should be ready for His return.


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