Tim Moore: A year ago today, the terrorist organization known as Hamas launched an attack on Israel that shocked the world with its savagery and murderous hate. The resulting war continues to rage in Gaza, and now Israel has turned its attention to another terrorist organization, Hezbollah, located in Lebanon, as Israel continues to absorb attacks from all sides.
Nathan Jones: It’s hard to believe that it’s been an entire year now since Hamas broke through Israel’s protective barriers. Some 3,000 terrorists poured into the country and went on a killing spree. The invaders used their cell phones to record and post their most brutal killings. As the Hamas marauders attacked the Supernova Sukkot Gathering music festival, they captured young women, raped them, stripped them naked, threw their corpses into the back of pickup trucks, and paraded their bodies around as if they had captured a deer or some other prey. We also learned that these murderers put Jewish babies into microwaves and baked them to death. The hatred displayed and the slaughter of nearly 1,300 Jewish people at that time was truly horrific to behold.
Yet another horrific situation perpetrated upon the Jewish people occurred just a month or two after this massacre. The entire world was initially behind Israel in its condemnation of the atrocities Hamas committed. And yet, once the Israeli IDF moved into Gaza to obliterate the terrorist organization from their border, at the same time freeing the Gazan people from their Hamas dictators, much of the world shifted its support to rallying around Hamas and against Israel. Seeing such a 180-turn was almost as shocking as seeing the brutality Hamas committed.
Tim Moore: Much of the videos that both the Hamas invaders and Jewish victims recorded show imagery too graphic and too horrific to play on our nightly news. Those who watched these atrocious videos did so because they wanted to understand the depth of the savagery. I promise you, those images are some of the most disturbing videos that you would ever want to view. It’s hard to fathom that level of hate.
A year later, we are witnessing to Israel’s dismay much of the world now coming to the defense of Hamas instead of fighting against Hamas and alongside Israel. The Biden administration claims it stands with Israel, but has been very fickle in its support. Vice President Harris has made it very clear that she supports the Gazans over Israel, and should she become president, there’s little hope that the US will remain friendly with our best ally in the Middle East.
It’s hard to imagine how well Satan has convinced so many people to buy into the lie that Israel is the bad guy in this situation, when it’s clearly the victim. We are witnessing a rise in Antisemitism across the world parallel to what the Nazis stoked in their own country of Germany before World War II.
Nathan Jones: The so-called Palestinian people are not the ancient Philistines, as some erroneously claim. They consist of Arabs and Syrians from the former Ottoman Empire. Few lived in the wasteland that the Romans to spite the Jews renamed Palestine. But, as the Jews bought the wastes and made them bountiful once more, many Arabs tried to take the land by force during the various wars Israel’s neighbors waged against the Jews, or began moving into the area, especially after Israel became a nation in May of 1948.
The Gazans do not actually hail from some historic Palestinian people, but many from Egypt. The word Palestinian being used for the Arabs living in Israel wasn’t even coined until Yasser Arafat in the 1970s attempted, and quite successfully, to give the abandoned refugees—those invaders who were not allowed back into their home countries after their invasions of Israel failed—a name and identity.
For decades, the West has been calling for what they term a Two-State Solution, as if Israel giving up their land to the Arabs to create a nation of Palestine would bring peace to the Middle East. Former President George W. Bush back in 2005 brokered a Two-State deal between Israel and Gaza. The Jews were ripped from their homes and driven out of Gaza, and Gaza was given its own country with the hope that there’d be peace. Well, what did we see instead? Bush’s attempt at a Two-State Solution failed because what the so-called Palestinians want is all the land “from the River to the Sea.” To the Arabs, that means “Palestine” will be free from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean, and that means all the Jews living in those lands either have to be exiled or die. For some reason, the West refuses to understand the Palestinian goal to commit genocide on the Jews.
Tim Moore: What’s ironic about the West’s call for a Two-State Solution is that not only do the Israelis reject the notion because it would make Israel indefensible, but the people who have always rejected this “solution” are the Palestinians. The Arabs have no interest whatsoever in two states. They want it all!
And, quite frankly, these terrorist organizations long for the destruction of not only Israel, but of every single Jew. The Koran commands it. And, that goal is exactly what Hamas has put in its charter. Why can’t the West just take Hamas and Hezbollah at their word? The Palestinians have clearly stated their intentions to kill all the Jews. If we had taken Hitler at his word then we might have avoided World War II. Just like in Hitler’s time, the world is being propagandized and buying into this satanic lie that demonizes the Jewish people, as if they were somehow at fault for Hamas’ bloody invasion.
Clearly, there are spiritual forces at work, and yet, there remains great hope. This spiritual darkness growing in the world points to the imminency of
Jesus Christ’s soon return.
Nathan Jones: The growing Antisemitism is proof there is a God, because the rage that Satan has against Him reveals his plan to thwart God’s objective. We learn from Bible prophecy that the whole purpose for all this pressure against Israel is so that God can bring a remnant through a great trial—the Tribulation. The Bible prophesies that the Lord is going to save a third of the Jews through the fires of the Tribulation. By the end of those seven years, the Jewish remnant will call out to the Messiah Jesus, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” (Matthew 23:39). On that fateful day, when they cry out for the Messiah to save them, that’s when Jesus returns to this earth to deliver them.
After all, the Jewish people are promised to become a priestly people during Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. The Jewish priesthood will bring the Gentile nations up to see Jesus in Jerusalem for a thousand years. So, the Lord still has a plan for the Jewish people, but Satan is trying to thwart it. That’s how we know that with the fire ratcheting up against Israel, it also means that Jesus Christ is coming soon.
Tim Moore: Satan is a student of Bible prophecy. He realizes that all the signs of the end times are manifesting, especially the sign of Israel. Satan is producing counterfeit signs such as the so-called Palestinian people. Satan is raging because he knows his time ruling the earth is short.
Likewise, the time is short for you to be able to turn to Christ as your Savior. If you have not already accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, then as the Jews will do one day, cry out “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” and ask Jesus to be your Savior and Lord.
Maranatha, come quickly, Lord Jesus!