The Christ in Prophecy Journal

Happy Thanksgiving and Our Appreciation from Lamb & Lion Ministries

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As we wind down this year, I want to express our deep appreciation to all of you who have supported us so generously.

For over 44 years, Lamb & Lion Ministries has operated on faith—faith that the Lord would provide the resources necessary to fulfill our calling: to proclaim the soon return of Jesus Christ. And He has done just that!

What began as a ministry primarily reaching people in the north Texas area has expanded into worldwide outreach.

Many years ago, Dr. David Reagan was encouraged to broadcast this message of warning and hope through a very short, 15-minute radio program. Then, in 2000, our outreach transitioned to television. Today, our Christ in Prophecy television outreach is still going strong. And just this year, relaunched our Christ in Prophecy Radio program. We hoped our radio program would grow to a few hundred stations by the end of the year, but within a few months, we were broadcasting on nearly 1,000 stations. God is indeed good!

Many of you will remember the days when the Lamplighter magazine was a mimeographed newsletter. Over time, the Lamplighter has grown to an acclaimed bi-monthly magazine.

Lamb & Lion’s Internet outreach has grown exponentially as well. Over 100,000 people now subscribe to our Christ in Prophecy YouTube channel and regularly access our material through various streaming platforms.

2024 saw one of our largest annual conferences yet, held in Denton, Texas.

None of this could have happened without the Lord pouring out His blessing. We recognize that He has utilized you as a conduit of that blessing—and we are determined to pay it forward and pass it on to others who need to hear that Jesus is coming soon.

As we anticipate celebrating our 45th anniversary in 2025, we have new outreach projects planned. We’ll continue to go wherever we’re invited to share messages from God’s prophetic Word. And we’re already planning a tremendous annual conference for June 6-7, 2025, in Denton, Texas focusing on “The Greatest Sign of All”.

We start every day at Lamb & Lion Ministries with a devotional and time of prayer. Throughout this season of Thanksgiving, we will be thanking God in our prayers for all our supporters, both past and present. We are grateful for your unwavering commitment to Christ. Your contributions have profoundly impacted our mission, and we are truly thankful for your continued partnership and support as we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our soon-coming King.


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Tim Moore

Colonel Tim Moore serves as the Director and Senior Evangelist of Lamb & Lion Ministries. He leads pilgrimages to Israel and is the host of the television program Christ in Prophecy.

2 CommentsLeave a Comment

  • Thank you so much for your program. My wife and I watch it on ch. 1021 ,WBNA, Louisville, KY. on Sun. morning after we come back from church. Although we go to a megachurch little is mentioned about prophecy and your show helps to fill in the “spaces”. Thank you for all you do bringing the gospel to those who are fortunate to see your show.


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