The Christ in Prophecy Journal

A Truly Marvelous Miracle

A Truly Marvelous Miracle

Can you imagine living 100 years ago? Some of us think the “olden days” sound romantic and simpler—especially compared to the perilous times we are living in. Indeed, the Roaring 20s were a time of great optimism and relative prosperity. But the devastation of the Great Depression and the cataclysm of a second World War loomed just over the horizon.

From a prophetic perspective, students of Bible prophecy 100 years ago saw few signs that they were living in the season of the Lord’s return. As their writings demonstrate, they accepted by faith that Jesus would come soon. They could not fathom how natural signs would increase in frequency and intensity, how Christian nations would abandon the faith of their fathers, how whole denominations would embrace apostasy, and how the nations would come into alignment against Israel.

These scholars also could not understand the multiple prophecies related to the regathering of the Jewish people and the reestablishment of Israel. As of 1925, much of the Jewish Diaspora lived in relative comfort in places like Germany and Poland and Russia. Bible-believing Christians could not imagine how God would motivate the Jews to return to the dry and desolate British Mandate of Palestine.

Time continues to flow toward the End Times. Yet many people ignore the culmination of so many prophetic signs.

The greatest of all the end time signs is the existence of Israel. The “dry bones” have been regathered into a modern nation-state (Ezekiel 36-37) that continues to survive despite the concerted efforts of satanically inspired purveyors of hate.

For those who have visited the Promised Land, you have witnessed the beauty and wonder of a restored Israel with your own eyes. For those who have not been able to visit Israel, a nation coming back from the dead as prophesied testifies to the Lord’s doing. The miracle that is Israel is truly marvelous in our eyes!

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Tim Moore

Colonel Tim Moore serves as the Director and Senior Evangelist of Lamb & Lion Ministries. He leads pilgrimages to Israel and is the host of the television program Christ in Prophecy.


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