Is Islam organized in its desire to subjugate the world? Like football, does it follow a game plan in its ambition to win? Does it have strategy, method and set goals to achieve its ends?
The answer is a most definite “Yes.” As Islam seeks to conform the nations of the world to Islamic law and precepts, called “Islamization,” the totalitarian movement has created observable trends that can be analyzed to discern its methods. The following video “If You Live in the West” has done an incredible job at looking at these trends and giving the viewer an eyeful inside Islam’s game book. It’s well worth the 8-minute viewing.
Prophetic Significance
What does the growing Islamization of the world mean in relation to Bible prophecy?
- As the nations of the world become more Islamic, Muslim persecution of the Jews increases, forcing the Jew to flee their country of residence and return to Israel. The return of the Jewish peoples to the land of Israel is in direct fulfillment of God’s promise to regather the Jewish people back to their own land (Isa. 11:12; Mic. 2:12). The Lord does this ultimately, as He states in Ezekiel 28:25, to “show myself holy among them in the sight of the nations.”
- Islamization will draw the subjugated Muslim nations encompassing Israel to their destruction. As Islam focuses it’s wrath upon Israel, God will focus His wrath upon them in return and in a series of battles from Psalm 83 to Ezekiel 38-39 to the setting up of the Antichrist’s kingdom which destroys 25% of the world’s population (Rev. 6:8), the Islamic world will be mostly annihilated. God’s wrath upon the Muslim world for their hatred of the “apple of His eye” (Zech. 2:8) — Israel — will be fulfilled.
- The destruction of the power and influence of the Islamic world will create a power vacuum which the Antichrist from Europe will use as an opportunity to build His empire. Only Israel will stand in his way to global domination after he’s subjugated his enemies, and he deals with them initially with a treaty (Dan. 9:27), then with war (Joel 3:2; Zech. 14:2).
- The absolute views Islam holds will be remembered as a danger to world peace, and so all religions that hold absolute views will be persecuted. Christianity and Judaism will be seen as a direct threat to world peace and the False Prophet’s one-world religion. Other religions will conform quickly into that one-world religion, and those who who don’t will be quickly killed. Tribulation believers in Christ will know the persecution first-hand for their absolute faith in Jesus Christ (Rev. 6:11; Rev. 7:9-15).
With all the fear the free world has as their nations are taken over by Islam, believers in Jesus can find comfort knowing that what Mohammad means for evil, God uses for good. Nothing thwarts God’s plans!
the idea that islam will be the ant-christs’ religion simply doesnt make sense to me. With the war of Gog/magog and psalm 83 wouldn’t it be plain that islam is a false religion? No sense.
My opinion, and that’s all it is, is that Islam, in some form, will be a major player during the Tribulation.
How? I’m not exactly sure at this point. Is Antichrist Muslim? My personal thought is yes. Is he from the Middle-East, no.
Europe is quickly becoming Islamized and it’s not a far-gone conclusion that a Muslim (whether he be Caucasian or Arab) could eventually gain power. Who else hates Jews and Christians so much? Who else beheads infidels?
And, it is absolutely allowed for a Muslim to lie to advance the cause of Islam.
Only time will tell, and thank God I won’t be here to find out.
I really enjoy reading some of the insightful comments on this blog as well as the articles by Nathan and Dr. Reagan!
You may want to check out what Dr. Reagan has to say about antichrist’s nationality/religion in some of his previous posts and in the Jan/Feb Lamplighter.
Justine, I’ve read them, and, frankly, although I think Dr. Reagan is an excellent Bible scholar and I learn a lot from him, on this subject I disagree with him.
I don’t think that Antichrist will come from Syria, at least not directly. What I think is that he will be a European citizen. Considering the Muslim population growth of Europe, I’d say it’s a distinct possibility.
On the other hand, he could be a Caucasian who converts to Islam and blends it with other belief systems. I’m not 100% sure (no one can be) but I thank God I won’t be here to find out.
Daniel 11:36-38 indicates the Antichrist won’t follow any religion that we recognize today (other than it’s based in humanism, and halfway into the Tribulation becomes indirectly satanism).
“The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. 38 Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his fathers he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts.”
Nathan, let’s just assume for a moment that Antichrist is the supposed Islamic messiah: Would that not mean he could “correct” any “misinterpretations” in the Qu’ran, thus changing Islam as we know it today?
To question the Koran is to invite death for a Muslim. News story reported today six Muslims in Afghanistan were just given the death sentence for making a pocket-sized version of the Koran (sheesh!).
Should the Antichrist try to “correct” anything in the text, he would be rejected outright, according to Islamic beliefs.
i still believe he’ll be european and partly jewish.
Hart, I think that Antichrist will be Gentile and his false prophet will be Jewish.
Revelation states that the Beast will arise from the sea. The “sea” is Bible-speak for the nations: Gentiles. The false prophet comes from the land or earth, which always speaks of Ha’Aretz Isra’el or the Land of Isra’el.
So whether the Antichrist is Muslim or not is pure speculation (although it’s fun to talk about) and is really irrelevant for the Believer, but he will be Gentile. His prophet will be Jewish.
In Islamic thought (just to throw this in), al Mahdi, the Islamic messiah, is the rider on the white horse from Revelation 6: a Gentile (our Antichrist); and his prophet will be Isa son of Mirium (Jesus son of Mary): a Jew. Personally I wouldn’t be shocked if the false prophet’s name weren’t Yeshua.
all i’m saying is yes, he is a gentile with POSSIBLY some jewish background. The phrase GOD OF HIS FATHER has a distinctle jewish flavor. I’m not dogmatic however. It was once speculated he’ll be a Roman/Grecian/jew. I wouldnt be shocked about the name either
p.s. Praise God i wont be here to find out for sure
Amen to that!!!! Blessed be the Name of the Lord!!!!!
“The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. 38 Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his fathers he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts.”
It is clear from thsi passage that the Antichrist will worship a god of “fortresses” or a god of war, which could very easily be agod of jihad. Also, I have heard it said that the god of his fathers, could also be referring to an Ishmaelite or an Edomite, and does not have to apply only to Jews. The phrase is a reference to the God of Abraham who is the father of both Jews and Esau / Ishmael as well. So he could be a Muslim. I for one am at least open to the idea. Any notion that the Muslim world will be annihilated is far too speculative for me. I rely on His world not on guess work.