It is you who make this ministry happen!
Lamb & Lion Ministries is a Bible prophecy teaching ministry proclaiming the soon return of Jesus Christ. We exist to serve the Church in its effort to win souls for Christ and to disciple those who accept the Lord.
We do not believe it is possible to know the date when Jesus will return, but we do believe it is possible to know the season of the Lord’s return, and it is our conviction that we are living in that season. We believe that Jesus is the only hope for the world today.
We exist to share that hope in Jesus Christ. But, we cannot do it alone. Without the support of people like you partnering with us, our television show “Christ in Prophecy” would not be broadcast all over the planet. Publications like the Lamplighter magazine, many books on Bible prophecy, and special booklets like A Prophetic Manifesto would never have gotten into the hands of people who need them. Educational videos that cover topics such as Bible prophecy, apologetics, Israel and world affairs from a biblical perspective would never have been produced. Our worldwide outreach via the Lamb & Lion website at and the mobile Lamb & Lion App would never have been made.
It is the Holy Spirit’s work through you that makes this outreach possible and changes lives forever for Him.
Program Requirements
With 2015 fast approaching, would you consider supporting this ministry in the coming year as a Prophecy Partner?
The support base of Lamb & Lion Ministries consists of its Prophecy Partners. These are the people who pledge to pray for us regularly and who make a commitment to provide $25 a month or more in financial support for one year.
We currently have just over 2,500 Prophecy Partners. We need to increase that number to over 3,000 for 2015 if we are to continue expanding our media outreach with the message of the soon return of Jesus Christ.
We ask our Prophecy Partners to aim at giving $1 a day for a year — or $30 per month. Many do this, and some give much more. The minimum contribution is $25 per month.
The most important thing we expect of our Prophecy Partners is for them to pray daily for the ministry.
Program Benefits
There are many benefits and blessings associated with being a Prophecy Partner. First and foremost is the knowledge that your sacrificial support is going to a ministry whose purpose is to point people to Jesus Christ and to proclaim His soon return.
As a Prophecy Partner you will receive the Lamplighter magazine free of charge, and every other month you will receive a special gift together with a personal report from Dave Reagan highlighting major events and decisions affecting the ministry. Prophecy Partners are also eligible for a ten percent discount on select materials produced by the ministry at Bible Prophecy Resources.
To sign up as a Prophecy Partner, call our ministry at 972-736-3567 between 8am and 5pm Central time, Monday through Friday, or sign up online.
Online Donations
Online donations can also be made one-time or on an ongoing basis. Please select a Credit Card button below for more information and to make a donation.
Thank you and God bless you as we anxiously await the soon return of the King — Jesus Christ!