The Christ in Prophecy Journal

The Mighty Angels of Daniel 10: The Prophetic Timeframe

MP3: The Mighty Angels of Daniel 10 Continued
Hosts: Nathan Jones & Vic Batista

The Prophetic Timeframe

Vic Batista: The Archangel Michael endures as one of the many amazing characters found in the book of Daniel. Michael’s interference in Satan’s attack on the Messenger Angel allowed for God’s prophecy to pass to the old prophet, thereby allowing future events to pass on to the reader today. God’s prophecies were written down to encourage the Jewish people in Daniel’s time, but also for us living in the here and now. Knowing that 2,500 year old prophecies will soon be fulfilled in our day should help Christians realize what an exciting time period we are living in.

Nathan Jones: Daniel still amazes believers and skeptics alike! Those skeptical of the veracity of the book of Daniel claim Daniel’s prophecies are too accurate to have been recorded before the fulfillment of the prophetic events occurred. Therefore, these biblical skeptics set a late date for the book’s authorship, such as 100 BC. They just can’t believe the God of the Universe knows about events before they will happen.

The #God of the Universe knows about events before they will happen. #BibleProphecy Click To Tweet

The prophecies the Messenger Angel entrusts to Daniel will provide the framework for what happens to Israel during the Intertestamental time period. Then he’ll tell the ominous tale of the terrible Seleucid ruler named Antiochus Epiphanes. Finally, the angel skips past the Church Age and goes right to the very last days when another killer will rule as Antiochus Epiphanes did. Daniel learns of the Antichrist!

Vic Batista: Daniel 10:14 reads, “Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come.” God’s incredible prophecy truly extends far into the future — thousands of years even!

Nathan Jones: God’s messenger angel reveals the prophetic timeframe. The prophecy pertains to what will happen in the latter days, also called throughout the Bible the last days, or the end times. This vision covers many days yet to come, from Daniel’s perspective.

The prophecy actually refers to two eras. First, the prophecy covers events occurring over the centuries leading up to Christ’s First Coming. And second, events that will occur at the very end of the days of human government, which I believe that we are living in that era even now. And so, the prophecies throughout the next chapter — Daniel 11 — will actually cover some 300 years of history before Christ’s First Coming, but then the angel skips two millennia ahead to cover the very last days before Christ’s Second Coming.

Vic Batista: The term “latter days” shows up a lot in different books of the Bible. One can find it in the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah and many of the Minor Prophets. Latter days describes, of course, a later time period, one when God’s plan finally culminates.

Nathan Jones: If one reads in the Bible the terms latter days, last days, and end times; they all refer to that time period that centers just before and during the coming seven-year Tribulation. This penultimate event in the prophetic timeline involves God pouring out His wrath upon the world. After those seven years of earthly horror, Christ will return with His saints — all those who have given their lives to Christ — who watch the King of Kings defeat Satan and set up His Millennial Kingdom. Latter days then is the key phrase that we can use throughout Bible prophecy to understand the return of Jesus Christ to claim His victory.

In the forty-third segment of this series on the mighty angels of Daniel, the Messenger Angel jolts Daniel back to consciousness.

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Dr. Nathan E. Jones

As the Internet Evangelist at Lamb & Lion Ministries, Nathan reaches out to the over 4.5 billion people accessible over the Internet with the Good News of Jesus Christ. He also co-hosts the ministry's television program Christ in Prophecy and podcast The Truth Will Set You Free.

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