MP3: The Mighty Angels of Daniel 11 Foretell
Hosts: Nathan Jones & Vic Batista
Prophecy Turned History
Vic Batista: God’s mighty angel in Daniel 11 foretold about all sorts of events that prophetically came true and with such amazing accuracy. We can look at history and confirm these prophecies came about in every minute detail.
Nathan Jones: Daniel 11 isn’t some passage that you read and understand without looking at the historical records for confirmation. Daniel’s prophecies ended up becoming history. The events were recorded in Roman, Syrian, and Egyptian documents. Daniel 11 is well testified to historically. What the angel foretold happened exactly as recorded. That is the beauty of the Bible. The Bible isn’t a collection of fictional stories that can only be found in the Bible. Rather archaeology, history, and ancient writings corroborate that everything recorded in the Bible is the truth. Even some biblical references that had been lost to history have eventually been found archaeologically, amazing the world.
#Archaeology, #history, and ancient writings corroborate that everything recorded in the #Bible is the truth. Click To TweetFulfilled prophecy backed up by archaeological evidence proves that the Bible is indeed the Word of God. No other ancient text can be corroborated in such volume like the Bible.
Vic Batista: The Bible is indeed trustworthy. All the promises of God recorded in the Bible will come true. That means then that when the Bible says in John 3:16, “That God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life,” then the reader can be assured that’s the truth of salvation. What good news that prophetic events always come true, they were fulfilled, and are being fulfilled! Therefore, all of God’s promises for His people that He has made will come true as well.
Nathan Jones: Isn’t it interesting that the Jewish people were forewarned about Antiochus and the Antichrist in Daniel 11. Sure, they obviously didn’t have the details of history to fill in the gaps of what Daniel prophesied, but God still wanted Daniel and the Jewish people to know what was coming ahead.
Also, God wants His Church today to know as well what is coming ahead. And, for the Tribulation Saints, those who get saved after the Rapture of the Church, they will face another Antiochus Epiphanes in the Antichrist, for there is a time coming for the Jewish people and those saints will experience the horrors of another abomination. They will actually live through witnessing the Antichrist desecrate the Temple. And, with our technology today, the whole world will be watching the event take place on TV and mobile devices.
Vic Batista: Amazing! These are exciting times for the Church. Therefore, now is the time to grab hold of the blessings that can be found in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Turn to the Lord now while there is still time. Jesus could come for His Church at any moment. Therefore, today is the day of salvation.
#Jesus could come for His #Church at any moment. Therefore, today is the day of #salvation. Click To TweetNathan Jones: Daniel 11 reveals the pattern for the worst time in the corporate life of the Jewish people, when the Antichrist duplicates Antiochus’ abomination that causes desolation. Many difficult times have come and gone in the history of the Jewish people, but when Antiochus came and desecrated the Temple, it’s long been considered one of the worst times in Israel’s history. Daniel 11:33-35 explains the suffering.
“Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time.”
Many Christians today suffer through what they consider to be the worst time in their lives. Whether they are suffering through traumatic persecution under ISIS and other terrorist organizations, or just the day to day trials we all must endure, difficult times come to us all. But, we know that God’s plan will be carried out, and this short era of suffering we face will fade forever into the past.
In the meantime, trust and hope in Jesus Christ, knowing that He is looking out for the good of us all. Jesus wants to carry us through our difficult times. Our Heavenly Father takes care of us.
Make sure you’re safe in Jesus’ hands. How do you do that? Become saved. To be saved means that your sins are forgiven and you no longer live under the just sentence of Hell. Jesus Christ suffered and died horribly on the cross in order to take the punishment of your sins upon Himself. All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God and your Savior by penitently praying from your heart something like, “Dear, Jesus, please forgive me of my sins and be my Savior.” With His own blood, Jesus promised that He will save you from your sins, if you ask, and then you will be firmly held in His hands. You then can have hope for the future as Jesus walks alongside you and cares for you. Demonstrate your salvation to others by being water baptized.
Vic Batista: What a wonderful promise from God! God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.
Sneak Peak
Vic Batista: In the book of Daniel, we wee revelations being intertwined with human history. As these empires rise and fall, give us a sneak peak into future segments concerning the Roman Empire.
Nathan Jones: Believe it or not, the Jewish people actually turned to the Roman Empire for help in their push back against Antiochus IV Epiphanes. The price, though, was too steep. People pay dearly for the Roman Empire’s help. Once they help you, they just never leave.
Imagine Rome just like the today’s Russian. Russia invaded the Ukraine, claiming they were just helping, but the world knows that once there the Russians are never willingly going away.
Syria asked for Russia’s help, and now Russia has two military bases established in Syria. Russia will help the Syrians, but they’re never going to leave willingly. It’s a page right out of the old Roman play book.
With Antiochus Epiphanes, Rome enters the Bible, remaining through the New Testament.
In the sixtieth segment of this series on the mighty angels of Daniel, we’ll plumb the depths of the vile personage known as the Antichrist!