What three major threats face Israel right now?
Israeli Amir Tsarfati of Behold Israel Ministries provides a wealth of information about what the Lord is doing in Israel and how all of His prophetic Word is coming to bear in our own day and age. We asked Amir to provide us with an awareness of what is happening domestically due to some of the recent political changes in the Israeli government and to note some of the external threats perceived by the Israeli people.
Threat #1: A Weak New Government
Amir Tsarfati: Most know that a few months ago Israel finally formed a government. It’s not the government that I prayed for, and it is not the government that most of the Jewish population prayed for. Eventually, somehow, a minority of leftist progressives, plus center, and for the first time in our history the Muslim Arabs living in the land, formed a coalition that I believe is very, very dangerous to Israel.
This new coalition will weaken the country. Why? Because, when you lean on the Muslim Brotherhood’s representatives in your own Parliament then how can your leaders share information that is very, very classified with the rest of the Parliament when they are part of the self-same government? Another problem, what do you do when you need to take care of business against radical Islam? Will you trust that the radical Muslims in your own government won’t tell your enemy what is going to happen?
For these reasons, I believe Israel is in a very, very dangerous predicament.
Israel is still enjoying the fruits of prosperity due to former Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government. We are still thriving economically, and Israel is back on track financially. But, I need you to understand that there is a new spirit now in Israel — the spirit of change. The “government of change” is what they call themselves, and it’s not a change for anything good.
Just to give you a perspective, Israel sent the second-largest delegation to the Climate Change conference in Glasgow, Scotland last month. What I am trying to say is that suddenly our government is now captured by a progressive mindset that believes these leftist causes are more important than dealing with other things that we know are burning us right now.
So, that’s an inside threat. I see that Israel is growing weaker from the inside. We still have a very strong military, but when the leadership is weak and is not decisive, then you can see that the mice will come out of their holes.
Threat #2: Iran
The second threat to Israel we need to recognize is that there is an ongoing attempt by Iran to entrench itself in Syria. It’s already embedded in Lebanon via Hezbollah and in the Gaza Strip via Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. But now, Iran has grown in Syria and their military remains close to our border. Iran smuggles in almost every day an amazing amount of technology and weaponry, and that makes Israel have to attack their weapons caches. In the last two weeks — seven times!
Threat #3: Russia
Because Russia plays the most important role in Syria right now, that places Israel under the mercies of Vladimir Putin at this point. Putin smells that there is now a very weak government. Meetings with former Prime Minister Netanyahu would take an hour or two when they talked business, but the meeting with the new Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett took five hours. Putin even made Bennett stay in Sochi by the Black Sea because he couldn’t fly home due to the Sabbath. You can clearly see that Putin is taking Bennett to boot camp.
Not only that, but we can clearly see that the Russians are looking at Israel right now believing they will approve what Israel thinks might serve our interests, but if you cross Russia’s line, they will be after us as well. Russia and Iran sitting on our doorstep is all that we need in order to understand how close we are to the Gog and Magog scenario.
Prime Minister Bennett even said, “Russia is our neighbor from the north.” Our neighbor from the north!?! It’s not just a country in the north, he says Russia is our neighbor that lies just across the border.
So, Russia is there and Iran is there and we all know that Turkey is also running their troops around northern Syria. We can clearly see for the first time in history that the Gog-Magog alliance that the Bible predicted in Ezekiel 38-39 is swiftly gathering.
The forming of the Gog-Magog alliance, added to the progressive mindset within the country of Israel, and throw in the very weak Biden administration in the United States, and altogether we have a convergence that reveals the return of Jesus Christ is coming closer than we ever thought.
For the believer in Christ, what we see happening around us should not be something that we need to worry about, or be sad or angry or concerned about. We should be concerned about only one thing — spreading the Gospel as much as we can because our redemption is drawing near. We instead need to be excited! We need to be those who are eagerly awaiting Christ’s return. We live in no other time in human history when the return of Jesus is so close, revealed by all of the signs that Jesus gave us that tells us that He is coming very soon.
If you are worried about all that is going on in the world, just remember that the Lord has got it all under control. He’s got it all planned out. The Gog and Magog War will eventually happen and Israel will be overwhelmingly attacked. But, know that the Lord will step in and He will defeat Israel’s enemies. God wins and Israel wins! We can put our faith and trust in that kind of God.
Why is the Gog of Magog war important to the coming of the ” Rapture “.
The transition of God’s interaction with the world from being through the Church to Israel appears to point to the removal of the Church from the scene, hence the Rapture. For details, check out https://christinprophecy.org/articles/timing-gog-magog/.