Matthew 5 records Christ’s Sermon on the Mount. In it, Jesus said believers are to be “salt and light.” In saying this, Jesus gives the Christian both a great compliment and a great responsibility.
When Jesus says that we as believers are to be the “light of the world,” please understand the importance of such a statement. In John 8:12, when speaking to the Pharisees, Jesus said that He was the light of the world and anyone who did not follow him would be walking in darkness. In John 9:5, He said, “While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.” Do you now see why Jesus calling believers the “light of the world” is a great compliment and a responsibility!
In John 9, Jesus said, “I must do the work of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.” Jesus sensed an urgency to do what He came to do while it was still day. The day was referring to the time of His earthly ministry.
This same sense of urgency lies before us — to do what Jesus asked us to do before we are raptured up to Heaven. There is a set period of time to seize the opportunities for serving Christ and doing His Kingdom work.
We ARE Salt and Light
So, every believer is responsible for following Jesus and being salt and light. Being the light of the world means that we are not only light-receivers but also light-givers. This calling means we cannot live only for ourselves.
Jesus never challenged us to become salt or light. He said that we just are, which means we are either fulfilling or failing that given responsibility. Salt is needed because the world is rotting and decaying. Light is necessary because the world is in darkness. If our Christianity imitates the darkness, we have nothing to show the world. Scripture says believers are to “let your light shine before men.” The purpose of light is to illuminate and expose what is there.
Let’s take a moment and expose some possible darkness.
Last month, the World Health Organization, known as W.H.O., hosted its 75th World Health Assembly. This conference is where delegates from 194 member states convene to discuss priorities.
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. has drafted a series of amendments to a legal framework called the International Health Regulations, which define countries’ rights and obligations in handling cross-border public health emergencies. Our current administration seeks to give broad authority to the World Health Organization, allowing it to make binding healthcare decisions for the United States.
Michelle Bachmann, a former member of Congress and the current Dean of Regent University, has spoken out about this concern. She warns that the move would change W.H.O., which happens to be a sub-group of the United Nations, from an advisory board to one empowered to declare emergency status across 194 nations. She said there doesn’t appear to be much discussion about U.S. involvement in the World Health Organization. In fact, she said NO Congress or U.S. media members were in Geneva last month for the World Health Assembly.
A One-World Government
Bachmann explains that this would create, for the first time in history, a legal platform for a one-world government and granting one person, the Director-General, power to declare a healthcare emergency. She believes, “He could restrict our right to travel, mandate vaccines or treatments or lockdowns, and we would have no right of appeal.”
On May 21st, the Associated Press said the Director-General of the World Health Organization only has the power to make recommendations, not to enact laws or otherwise dictate national policy decisions. That’s true, for now.
The World Health Organization is scheduled to meet again in New York City this September and then again in Geneva next February, with a final vote/approval in May 2024.
Matthew 5 says believers are to be salt and light. Therefore, light must be exposed before it is of any use; if it is hidden under a basket, it is no longer useful. Jesus never promoted the idea of anyone being a “secret” Christian. Our faith should be on display for all to see. Christians whose virtues are not on display are in opposition to being salt and light.
Maranatha, Lord Jesus!