Who will rule the earth during the Millennial Kingdom?
On June 25, 2014, I was interviewed by Vic Batista, senior pastor of the Miami-based Calvary Chapel Aventura on his radio program “The Truth Will Set You Free” via TWave Radio. “Pastor Vic” (as he likes to be called) was born in the Dominican Republic and is as active in planting churches and helping orphans there as he is in southern Florida, reaching out with the Good News of Jesus Christ to both the English and Spanish speaking audiences.
In this “The Truth Will Set You Free” episode, we discuss how wonderful life will be during Christ’s thousand year reign. The first half of the discussion is in English, while the second half is translated into Spanish.
Free of Satan
Vic: Nathan, last week you and I were talking about Jesus’ coming Millennial Kingdom and you gave us a few scriptural references from the Old Testament. Unfortunately we ran out of time, so I would like to pick up where we left off by talking about all the wonderful things that await us in Millennial Kingdom. Can you tell us more about what awaits us?
Nathan: We can read specifically about the Millennial Kingdom in Revelation 20.
Before the Millennial Kingdom begins, Revelation teaches that Jesus will return to this earth at the end of the terrible time period of seven years called the Tribulation. Upon His return, He will defeat the Antichrist, the False Prophet, Satan, and all the evil armies under Satan’s command.
Jesus will then hold a worldwide judgment. We can read in Matthew 25 about this Sheep-Goat Judgment. Those who have rejected Jesus and His salvation will be sent off to Torments to await Hell. Those who have survived the Tribulation and have accepted Jesus as Savior, they will live on into the Millennial Kingdom and have children. Jesus will set up this kingdom, which Revelation 20 reveals, will be for a thousand years.
That’s about all the information Revelation 20 gives us, other than the fact that Satan is bound in the Pit. There will be no demonic activity at all for that thousand years.
Jesus Reigns
Nathan: Most of the description about the Millennial Kingdom can be found in the Old Testament, particularly in Isaiah and Micah. If I could read Micah 4:1-5, I think that will give us a really good description of what the Millennial Kingdom will be like. I’ll be reading from the New King James Version.
“Now it shall come to pass in the latter days,” this is the end times, “that the mountain of the Lord’s house be established on the top of the mountains. And shall be exalted above the hills.” In other words, Jerusalem will be the capital of the world and that’s where Jesus will rule and reign, “And people shall flow to it, many nations shall come and say, ‘Come and let us go to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us His ways and we shall walk in His path.” We know then that we will be able to see Jesus face-to-face during the Millennial Kingdom, and all the nations of the world that are made of up believers in Christ will stream to Jerusalem to hear Jesus teach.
Vic: Wow! That’s really exciting.
Nathan: We’ll finally get to see our Savior face-to-face, the very One who died for our sins. He will be our teacher directly, not just through the Bible, but by His own mouth. He’ll live in His capital city, Jerusalem, which He’s going to rebuild after the current Jerusalem is destroyed during the Tribulation. We’ll get to listen to Jesus preach out of His Millennial Temple as well.
Vic: I’m just so excited!
Nathan: Yes, I’m very excited as well!
Back to Micah 4:2,“And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between many peoples and rebuke strong nations afar off,” In other words, Jesus will be the government of the world. The time will be a theocracy. Jesus Christ will rule and reign from Jerusalem. We won’t need congresses or senates or law makers, because we will have one Lawmaker, and the Lawmaker will be Jesus Christ ruling from Jerusalem.
No More War
Nathan: Get this, this passage explains how peaceful the state of the world. Micah 4:3 says, “And they shall beat their swords into plow shares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” Pastor Vic, there are thirty-eight wars going on in the world right now. Can you believe that? 38! Right now a lot of the world’s attention is on the terrorist group ISIS that’s conquering Iraq, as well as Boko Haram attacking Christians in Nigeria. There are many other wars happening all over the world, but the Millennial Kingdom will be a time period without war. There won’t be people building guns or knives or missiles anymore, for all the money that was spent on war will then be put instead into agriculture for creating crops and making peace.
However, we do read about one last war at the very end in Revelation 20. Satan will be released from the Pit, but we can get more into that later. Overall, for almost the entire thousand years, there will be no war on Earth.
Vic: That’s awesome!
Nathan: Micah 4:4 teaches, “But everyone shall sit under His vine and under His fig tree and no one shall make them afraid; for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken.” The Kingdom will be a peaceful time on the earth. It’s a time humanity has long been waiting so long for. It’ll be a time when you won’t have to fear getting mugged or shot or attacked, or worry about wars and economic failure. It’ll be a time of peace, righteousness and justice.
Everybody’s Evangelized
Nathan: Micah 4:5 reads, “For all people walk each in the name of his god, but we will walk in the name of our Lord our God forever and ever.” It’ll be a time period when everybody will know Jesus as their Savior.
Vic: I love that prophetic quote, “In the latter days.” We know that time period is coming, right, Nathan?
Nathan: Oh, yes. The latter days, the last days, the end times — these terms all relate to when we get to the end of the Church Age, which is the age we live in now, just before terrible judgments will come on the world. I’m referring here to the seven-year Tribulation. The Church, which are those of us who’ve accepted Jesus as Savior, will be raptured up off this earth before that Tribulation comes.
Sure, during the Tribulation many people will get saved due to the twenty-one judgments forcing them to take God seriously, but it still will also be the most terrible time in world history. But then, Jesus will come back at the very end of the Tribulation and He will defeat evil and He will set up His kingdom. That’s the kingdom that Bible prophecy is always talking about.
There are five-hundred verses in the Old Testament and one out of every 25 verses in the New Testament that talk about Jesus’ Second Coming. God therefore must really want us to know that Jesus is returning to set up His kingdom here on this earth.
Vic: Amen! Yes, God certainly does want us to know about the Millennial Kingdom.
In the second part of our discussion on the wonders of the Millennial Kingdom, Pastor Vic and I will delve a little into Isaiah 35 and 65 to see what it has to reveal about the Millennial Kingdom.