I was watching a local Dallas, Texas, television station interviewing protestors in a crowd that had descended on Dallas City Hall after the killing of George Floyd. Individuals in the crowd were asked, “Why are you protesting?” Some said, “I’m protesting against police violence.” But most gave an answer that really surprised me. Over and over I heard these words: “I’m protesting against systemic racism.” Young protestors in the streets using an academic phrase?
Providing a Definition
Now, that is not a phrase that would naturally roll off the tongues of street protestors, nearly all of whom were in their teens and twenties. It had to be supplied by the protest organizers. I kept hoping that the TV interviewer would ask one of the people what they meant by the phrase because I was certain none of them had the slightest idea what it meant — either because of naiveté or a lack of historical knowledge and perspective.
The word, systemic, is defined as something that is ingrained throughout a whole system — something that is intentional, methodical or implemented according to a plan. Thus, “systemic racism” in reference to a nation would mean that everything in the society is designed to discriminate against one or more races. The former policy of Apartheid in South Africa would be a classic example.
Now, with that definition in mind, just try to wrap your brain around the insanity of someone in Dallas, Texas, protesting against “systemic racism.” The top governmental official in Dallas is the City Manager, who is a black man. Additionally, the Mayor is a black man, the Police Chief is a black woman, the District Attorney is a “progressive” black man, and the Sheriff is a black woman. The previous Sheriff, who resigned to run for Governor, was an Hispanic lesbian. I ask you, where is the “systemic racism”?
Personal Experience
I happen to know very well the meaning of “systemic racism.” That’s because I grew up in it. I was born in Texas in 1938, and I was raised in the 1940s and 50s when racism was interwoven in the fabric of our nation. Everything was segregated, and I mean everything — schools, hotels, sports arenas, restaurants, public transportation, movie theaters, churches and yes, even drinking fountains.
One of the most important ways of keeping blacks “in their place” was to deny them the right to vote. There were a variety of barriers to voting, like the poll-tax, which was essentially a voting fee. This technique was not outlawed until the passage of the 24th Amendment in 1964.

Literacy tests were another technique used to limit black voting. An illiterate white person would always miraculously pass the test, while a black who could read and understand Shakespeare, just never could seem to read well enough to qualify.

Texas poll-tax receipt from 1945. The cost was $1.75, which had
the purchasing power of $25 today.
Always lurking in the background in many states was the Ku Klux Klan, which was more than willing to intimidate blacks from voting.

Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan of Georgia at his investment ceremony in Atlanta at Stone Mountain on July 24, 1948. (https://en.wikipedia.org)
Blacks were mainly confined to manual labor jobs. Access to professions like law, medicine and teaching were highly limited. The military was segregated.
Franklin Roosevelt
The President of the United States during my childhood years was Franklin Roosevelt. Although he was a liberal icon, he did nothing to improve race relations. That’s because the key to his powerful political coalition was what was referred to as the “Solid South,” and he was unwilling to do anything that might jeopardize Southern support.
He was first elected in 1932 and was re-elected for a second term in 1936. In 1937, he had his first opportunity to nominate a Supreme Court justice. His selection was a U.S. Senator from Alabama named Hugo Black. This man had been a lawyer for the Klan and was on record as having said terrible things about Blacks, Jews and Catholics. He was confirmed easily by the Senate by a vote of 63 to 16. Can you even imagine such a person being nominated today?
Right before our nation got involved directly in World War II, President Roosevelt made his most daring decision regarding race relations. In June of 1941, he created by Executive Order the Fair Employment Practice Committee. Its assigned purpose was to prevent “discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries or government because of race, creed, color or national origin.” But this applied only to the national government. Beyond this, the President realized he was walking on eggs, and he had no desire to break any of them.
After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December of 1941, President Roosevelt very quickly issued an Executive Order in February of 1942 that constituted one of the worst racist actions in our nation’s history. Incredibly, he ordered all Japanese Americans arrested and sent to ten internment camps located in seven states. They were kept there for the duration of the war. This was obviously a very racist decision since no similar action was taken against Americans of German heritage despite the fact that we were also at war with Germany.

Racism in Southern California during World War II.
The President’s highly unconstitutional action was upheld by the Supreme Court in December 1944 by a vote of 6 to 3. Justice Hugo Black wrote the majority opinion. Again, can you even imagine something like this happening in America today?
Personal Experiences with Racism
Although I am a white man, I have personally experienced the emotional pain of racism three times — twice as a child and once as an adult. The first occasion occurred in 1948 when I was ten years old. One of my dad’s younger brothers came to visit us in Waco, Texas, for a couple of weeks. He had worked during World War II in the Pearl Harbor shipyards in Hawaii. During that time he had met and married a beautiful and very sweet lady of Asian descent who had been born and raised in Hawaii. Her name was Rosie.
One Saturday while they were visiting with us, it was decided, for some reason I can’t remember, that I should take Rosie downtown and accompany her while she was doing some shopping. So, we took the bus and spent the morning going from store to store. As noon approached, Rosie asked if I knew where we could get a sandwich before returning home. I told her I knew where there was a soda fountain.
When we arrived, there were two stools available that were adjacent to each other, so we sat down and waited to be served. And we waited and waited and waited. Finally, I grew impatient, so I leaned across the bar and grabbed the arm of a waitress who was walking by. I said, “Ma’am, we’ve been waiting a long time. Could you take our order?” She stepped back, looked at my aunt and then back at me. Then, she snarled, “I don’t serve Japs!” I was embarrassed and enraged, but before I could say anything, Rosie put her arm around my shoulders and whispered, “It’s okay, David; let’s go home.”

A sign published by the Lonestar Restaurant Association of Dallas, Texas. Displayed in the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee.
(Source: Library of Congress at www.loc.gov.)
Two years later, in 1950, my parents bought a very nice new home in Waco in a very upscale part of town. The house had a detached garage, and above the garage was an apartment. My folks proceeded to rent the apartment to an Asian couple.
Over the next few weeks, my parents received a series of nasty phone calls and hate letters condemning them for renting to Asians. The neighborhood kids picked up on their parents’ attitude and started harassing me, calling me a “Jap lover.”
My worst experience with racism came ten years later in 1960, when my new wife and I moved to Boston, where I was going to attend a Harvard graduate school. We had arranged to stay the first week with a pastor and his wife while I searched for an apartment.
The first morning after our arrival, I surveyed the apartment ads in the Boston paper, selected the ones that were in my price range and started calling. What happened next was something I could not understand. As soon as I would start inquiring about the apartment for rent, the person on the other end of the line would either hang up or interrupt me by saying, “It’s already been rented!” This happened over and over, and it continued the second day. I could never get past my opening words.
Finally, on the third day, I ran across a brutally honest person. He yelled, “I don’t rent to niggers!” That’s when it dawned on me that my Southern accent was my problem. Again, this was 1960 when regional accents were still very strong, before they began to be leveled out by national television. So, I had to start going personally to seek an apartment. Still, what I experienced was nothing compared to a black person who could not even go personally.
That was not the end of the matter. Over the following three years, I came to the realization that Boston was the most outwardly racist city I had ever lived in. The Italians hated the Irish, and the Irish reciprocated. Both of those groups seem to hate Blacks and Jews. When the movie, Exodus, opened in Boston in 1960, hundreds of people demonstrated against it in the street in front of the theater because the film was favorable to the Jewish people.
In the second part of our look at the history of systemic racism in the United States, we will mark the turning point.
I was born in 1940 in Santa Barbara, Calif. My best friends all through school and into high school graduation were what my mother called our “league of nations” as my friends were black, Japanese, and Mexican, besides white Europeans. No one in S.B. ever seemed like they were prejudiced. My best black friend’s sister was the junior class president in her S. Cal. college. My best black friend was the first black person at a college in WA state and was also popular. And the list goes on. So I guess I was very fortunate to be brought up in an area like that and all my “mixed” friends came to my wedding a couple years later. Later when my kids were in school (still in CA) they too never knew what racism was. So it is very difficult for me to know what racism is.
Hi, Judy-
That sounds like my childhood in San Francisco! Except all my friends lived in houses, and we lived in a housing development –but that was due to a divorce, it was not always like that.
I think it is crucial in the conversation about race that we define our terms. The term inequalities comes to mind as missing.
The gist is that while for a lot of people racism can be subjective, this conversation moves to inequalities suffered by Black Americans that were introduced into laws and policies that had their origins during the time of America’s youth. These laws and policies originated during slavery, but, unfortunately being a “stronghold”, have endured. They are embedded in culture and May be more visible to those who are of Southern origin.
It is painful to deny it, because then we are denying someone else’s experience and reality. Even as a Black woman, I have struggled with this, and as a Christian: yet, if we look at the Sermon on the Mount, and actually redemptive history with Israel, we must ask, “what does the Lord require of us?”
I do not think violent protests are a solution, but a response, and a wrong response, as it draws us into conversations about protests, rather than pain and useful education and information.
CBN has some wonderful DVDs on the foundation of this Country. My prayer is that we would not be driven by fear, or lean to our own understanding, but in ALL our ways, acknowledge the God, and He shall direct our paths.
I know too as a child. I wanted to know why I got such strange looks from people because I was drinking from a water fountain marked “colored”. My opinion is we are so much better
today than ever before. God shows no partiality and that is the right way. I also have been on the other side of the fence being discriminated and jeered at even in the military.
Thanks for sharing these stories.
These nation-wide protests, particularly the current unrest which has occurred within the last several days in Wisconsin due to another unarmed black man being shot by police, represents simmering anger over high profile cases in recent years, each with circumstances that had many black, brown, & white people demanding police accountability that in most cases…never came. People are hurting, angry, and frustrated concerning the lack of justice from our police, courts, and the inept political leadership from our politicians.
As a retired African-American law enforcement officer who spent over 20 years defending the institutions of this nation, I completely understand and agree with the non-violent street protests…and I do not condone the looting, shooting, and violent demonstrations. However, I strongly agree that a cultural change must take place in our nations institutions..…and fast! History repeatedly yells at us that if a person continues to pick pick pick at a scab without properly treating it, the scab will never heal.
In my opinion in that I have some life & law enforcement experience, the system in general is culturally and systematically racist. Some of our nations institutions are often entrenched with bigoted policies and are enforced with ordinances and laws unequally according to racial demographics.
I believe that the correction to these practices has to start with believers in Christ. Believers must come to the forefront and demonstrate the qualities of the one we claim to follow…Jesus Christ. Believers cannot be silent or stick their heads in the sand and hold the belief that systemic racism no longer exist in the year 2020. Has this country come a long way since the “Jim Crow” era? Yes it has but there is still a very long way to go! If our actions call for peaceful protest; then let’s do it! We need to be proactive…but be proactive in in the spirit of trying to help make things better. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Let your light so shine before men, that that may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matt 5:14
I cannot stress enough that overcoming these cultural biases cannot only fall on the backs of the African American believers…it must be all believers…especially those believers who profess to be “white spirit filled evangelicals.” All believers must take a stand by saying that we are all going to be on the forefront of meaningful positive dialogue and meaningful change. All believers must speak truth in love to power and also realize that we are not fighting against other people “but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
In conclusion, during my years as a law en-forcement officer, I viewed the justice system from BOTH sides of the lens and because of that I fully believe that “Black Lives Do Matter” and that dramatic changes must and eventually will come to our institutions….but hopefully with a solid and thoughtful foundation. The apostle Paul in his letter to the Corinthian believers instructs them to, “… take heed how a person builds” upon the foundation of Christ. 1Cor. 3:10.
Maurice, thank you so much for your thoughtful, Bible-based response and for your years of service. Two issues I think those of us who are white grapple with when we hear blacks claim the justice system is unbalanced against them is: 1) that statistics show that 18% of the U.S. population is African-American but commits 50% of all crimes, and 2) in every instance of the recent police shootings the perpetrator was either in the act of committing a crime or flagrantly disobeying the police officer. How are we to reconcile these facts in the light of the accusations that the police are acting out of racist motives? There seems to be a disconnect there that the public needs someone with your learned background to help us understand.
Maurice and Nathan. Thank you for your thoughts and wisdom.
Here is one thing I know is true:
When we hang out our dirty laundry, which is an American tradition, we then can correct it.
It’s a unique thing but it eventually always works.
Remember the Vietnam War. Similar angry people filling the streets and even freeways with protestors. It took years but the country eventually took head and we got out of there. (And now Vietnam is a good friend with so many great people.)
We keep trying, praying and hanging out the dirty laundry. And watch us unite. It will happen. As painful as this time is, it’s darkest before dawn.
And thank you David for sharing your wisdom and experience with us.
Michael, I hope “airing the dirty laundry” is the cure. But, I have to agree with Morgan Freeman… we have to stop talking about it. We have to stop seeing each other as a “white person” or a “black person” or whatever color and culture and just see each other as people. Endlessly bring up racism only tears off the scabs and brings all the anger and demands for vengeance for long-ago crimes to the surface, creating an endless cycle of pain. In this short Perspectives video series with evangelist Don Perkins (https://youtu.be/gys65bRv6x8), he explains the biblical solution – grace and forgiveness.
Hi, Nathan:
Your statement on African Americans commiting crimes (50 per cent) differs from The Office of Juvenile Justice and the FBI. When using statistics it would help your audience to deal with the facts, not to use unnamed sources.
In the following article (https://law.jrank.org/pages/1909/Race-Crime-Data-sources-meaning.html) I found this data to be meaningful; it is dated as it is from 1999:
“Prisons throughout the nation are disproportionately occupied by African Americans and Hispanics. Although these trends hold true across most geographical areas, the rates of disproportionality tend to be higher in the South and in state correctional systems (Irwin and Austin). Indeed, African Americans represent 38 percent of inmates in federal prisons and 55 percent of those in state prison systems. Hispanics represent 28 percent and 17 percent of federal and state correctional populations, respectively (U.S. Department of Justice, 1999).
The second major source of crime data is the NCVS, administered by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. By sampling the general population about criminal victimization, the NCVS is able to uncover unreported crimes and describe the characteristics and relationships between victims and offenders. Overall, while the NCVS also indicates disproportionate involvement of racial minorities in street crime, the gap between minorities and whites is typically smaller than is apparent in the UCR (Walker et al.). African Americans account for 52 percent of all personal victimizations, including 49 percent of all violent crimes (excluding homicide, which is not determined by the NCVS). Hispanics account for nearly 49 percent of all victimizations, including 43 percent of violence. Although the vast majority of most crimes are committed intraracially (that is, white on white or black on black), respondents in the NCVS perceived that only 25 percent of violent offenders were African American (Bureau of Justice Statistics). These data, together with the much higher arrest rates of minorities for violent crimes, suggest that minorities probably commit fewer crimes than their arrest rates would suggest but are disproportionately caught and punished for the times they do commit.”
I think blanket statements should always be followed by sources and investigated wholly. I do not disagree with any Biblical solution, yet, there is something in your argument and presentation that alarms me.
Stephanie, if you’re looking at FBI statistics from 1999, go to more current years such as 2016-2018. I also recommend reviewing Candace Owens and Larry Elder and their championing of the black community in dealing with the foundational issues the community is facing – the decline of the local church, lack of fathers, out-of-wedlock mothers, dependence on government handouts, high school drop out rates – that must be addressed in order to fix the violence and crime problems. It’s easier to make another ethnicity or the system or whatever into the big baddie, but problems will not be fixed as long as they are not recognized and addressed. That’s the real alarm.
Maurice, thank you for your service and your reasoned response. Thank you for calling us back to the Word of God, instead of platitudes and attitudes of man. I appreciate your view from experiencing both sides of the issue, in ways that I as a white, retired law enforcement officer cannot. Also, having been a federal criminal investigator, my law enforcement experience was drastically different that that of a uniformed officer in an urban area.
However, I question the accuracy of the statement that the current unrest “represents simmering anger over high profile cases in recent years, each with circumstances that had many black, brown, & white people demanding police accountability that in most cases…never came.”
In these high profile events, before there was any opportunity for accountability there has already been a projected conclusion that the incidents were based on systemic racism. When subsequent inquiries reveal certain “witness” accounts are not, and could not, be true, there is a concerted effort to continue to ignore those facts and maintain the conclusion of racism. Often, it cannot even be established that the officers’ actions amount to brutality, let alone that their actions were motivated by racism. There is a reluctance to deny any result other than what was originally proclaimed, and argue that contrary results are merely further evidence of “systemic racism”.
It appears there is no means of reasoning with one another and only full acceptance of their point of view will be acceptable. That will not happen and will only lead to the simmering anger that erupts in violence.
As Nathan replied, there seems to be a disconnect that needs to be bridged. IMO it begins with a reconciliation with God 1 Cor 5:18-21
I don’t know who said this first, but racism is not a systemic problem: it is a sin-stemic problem.
What is really sad is to see a slide to the Left among evangelical Christians who seem to have lost discernment, with their “witness” deeply contaminated by Marxist ideology, such as Critical Race Theory CRT). It is especially troubling is when seminary professors state (correctly!) that CRT is not supported biblically, but then talk and write as if they had internalized CRT. White professors confessing that they struggle with the sin of racism. Why? Because they are white. Because (as they say) they have profited from White Supremacy. But the real problem in the US and the West is Systemic Marxism and Marxist Supremacy. Public education is completely dominated by Postmodern neo-Marxism. That’s systemic. Media? 85-90% Marxist controlled. Similar with social media. Cancel Culture. This is Marxist Supremacy. It has to start with individual Christians, and then Pastors and other leaders to (a) learn about the ideology, and then (b) proclaim the sufficiency of scripture to deal with the issues, and not the ideology. See http://thebereanwatch.org/wordpress/?page_id=1771 and http://thebereanwatch.org/wordpress/?page_id=3489.
I understand your logic Nathan but regardless, it should not matter how many disproportional number of crimes people of color perpetrate in society. These actions, unless to save life, do not justify being murdered at the hands of law enforcement! I need to note that Breanna Taylor as well as other people of color were not involved in ANY criminal activity when murdered by law enforcement.
It was my experience, as a law enforcement supervisor, that the majority of excessive force cases against officers arise when that officer is unfamiliar with that person or group, has significant biases against that person or group, or fearful with those groups within the community which they are sworn to serve.
Any of the above rationale often led officers in taking inexcusable and inappropriate actions initially and regretting their actions afterwards.
Simply put; what this nation must understand and most importantly many white Spirit filled believers, is that racism is a “fruit” of sin. Often times sin is not OVERTLY visible as it was in the 40’s, 50’s, or 60’s, and as time goes by, this form of sin DOES NOT vanish away because of “visible” progress. Both are still evident & systematic…and to believe otherwise is a DECEPTION!
The Lord told Cain in the 4th chapter of Genesis, “If you refuse to do well, sin is there waiting for you.” Cain could not visibly see this sin but spiritually speaking, it was there…and it manifested itself in the worst way as Cain refused to believe the WORD.
The same holds true with racism….it’s there for believers to see it and fight against it, but only if spirit filled believers want to believe it exist and are willing to fight the good fight.
As a three part being, believers occasionally view the OUTWARD appearance of our surroundings in the flesh, but as believers we should look deeper and perceive our surroundings as the Lord sees them. (1 Sam. 16:7)
Well, perfect, Dr. Reagan,
One thing I would comment on is Al Sharpton’s input. His participation is reactionary even if he is somewhat onesided — however, he wouldn’t have had such a platform were it not for the uniqueness and relentlessness of racism in the US. Regarding Farrakhan, there’s not much to say because his fight is against Judeo-Christianity, and of course he did point out basic facts about racism but offered no solutions except Islam.
You are correct about the real racism in the US which is mindboggling to the newer generations and cannot be easily explained especially in view of the prominence of the Church in America…which is why the problem as you certainly believe is theological.
The only other thing that stands out is the notion of systemic racism — somehow this term doesn’t satisfy me. If we remove the word ‘systemic’ we have ‘racism’. If we put a system of human operation and build an institution about them, we have racism in an institution, I e, institution racism. Yet, even as time passed and racists were still functional it increasingly became impossible to maintain the conditions of this country.
It suddenly became absurd from the perspective of many of the younger generations and older as well, outside of the perpetual lawless conditioning, John 13:34-35. I rarely if ever hear about this “commandment” — that’s a real commandment concerning every human being that ever lived.
Well, I would have to say the most honest thing mentioned in this article was to know our history. If we take a good look at what the history of this nation has been and continues to be built on, there should be no question that “systematic racism” is still alive and well. It may not be at the level it was during the time the author grew up, but it is still very prevalent in our society today that brings about a constant tension and a certain anxiety in the life of many minorities “people of color”. To say that systematic racism is no longer based on time passing and certain laws in place or some level of leveling the playing field is in place is to deny that evil, sin and the works of Satan are still active because time has passed, Jesus has risen and the world now knows the error of it ways. The systems I spent my life in (95 % white )neighborhoods and school systems, 22 years in the military, several years as a Government employee and seeing many cultures around the world tell me that the systems of men (governments, legal, private, etc…) are all tainted with racism to some degree. Yes, it is a sin problem, but so is murder, addictions, sexual immorality, divorce, sexism and any other human issue or ism. But, the way each is viewed, discussed and handled tells the truth about how much it is considered to be an issue that should have an impact on each and every Christian. I spent a good part of my life being the voice for the voiceless in the fields of EEO/EO, Sexual Assault. Sexual Harassment, Drug and Alcohol addiction, prison ministries and homeless ministries. Every last one of those issues have systemic ties to them. Each one is a result of sin, but the lack of any real concern and effort to resolve them are systemic. Hence women still get paid 75 cents to every dollar of their male counter-part on average for the same work. Tell me that this continued practice to treat women unequally is not part of a built-in system. As a black male, people need to really look at the way this nation was put together form the very beginning to see how it is systematic in its continued culture of racism. It is so funny how many claim to know the word of God, but really remain in denial about the truth of God’s word, when it comes to certain topics. The following is a link to video that the Veggie Tale guy made that explains systematic racism very well. Take the time to listen to it. https://youtu.be/AGUwcs9qJXY
A., good response. I even watched Phil Vischner’s video (though I wish he presented some solutions). The confusion about systemic racism lies in its definition. There are no laws today that purposely segregate or marginalizes ethnicities, other than affirmative action, hence no systemic racism in the literal sense. What I think you are saying, and it sounds like Vischner is saying as well, is that though there may be no longer any of these laws, there are biases executed by those who enact and enforce the laws. Is that what you are saying?
The Blacks are about 14% of the population of the USA. If American is “systemically racist then even if EVERY Black person voted for a law/candidate etc. it would never even see the light of day. Because the systemic racists” would ALWAYS have more votes! But obviously the majority of non-blacks have a keen sense of equality & justice!
I too grew up with white only water fountains and going around the back to go into a business because blacks were not allowed to enter a house or business through the front. Thank you for the definition of “systematic racism”. I can’t help wonder if the Black race miss their chance to rise above. I attended a church all white congregation and the Pastor stood up on the pulp pit and apologize for what his ancestors did to the black race,and I thought that was a great beginning, this was done in the 90’s. Wow what a difference that would make if “forgiveness” was the shouted from a mountaintop.
Whether systemic racism exists or not is not the issue. The issue rather, is that mankind’s heart is sinful. And, the fruit of a sinful, diseased heart is Godless behavior in deed and in word. The only solution for a sinful heart is our Savior Christ Jesus.
At this time, we, as believers and desciples of Christ Jesus, have an opportunity to let our light shine as on a hill, to be walking epistles, to be ambassadors for our King Jesus and His Kingdom in a foreign land and to trust God as we do His work.
Until then, I humbly pray that you, I and followers of your ministry live not according to the world but instead in the example set before us by Christ Jesus.
God bless you and your loved ones.
I see systemic racism as something that flows in the system of man as he puts it upon other men. You for example, non-black, privileged, allowed to decide who the bad guys are. Do you really believe that all the black people that the white people said are thugs are thugs? Do you really believe all the black people in prison did it? Do you really believe that most of the white people are just good and thats why they are not in jail? If black people are so angry what are they so angry about?
I am a professor. I have six degrees and I still have to worry about a black white struggle. Not because of my lack of abilities but because of someone else’s systemic racism. And I don’t mind you (not you) being racist. I just mind you putting it on me (my neck). George Floyd was killed because it was suspected that someone has a counterfeit twenty dollar bill. Systemic racism said it must have been him. Systemic racism once again was wrong. Systemic racism for years have said black people are good for the minimum or worse of things. Systemic racism has been wrong. It has held black people back for so long and no matter how hard they fight and how much education they attain, will they ever catch up? When they make two steps forward systemic racism holds them down on the pavement, pins them by the neck or shoots them in the back and says no.
I had a student once who wanted to ask me if she was making the right choice about getting married. She was 21 years old and the guy she was marrying was going to work with his dad who was giving them 600 acres of their land for a wedding gift. I remember thinking how with all my degrees could I ever give my kids 600 acres of land. I can’t even will them my 40 acres I thought. Yes it angered me that because I am behind my kids will be behind because my parents were behind.
Rita you’r far more educated own more land and earn more money than mostly anyone of any color here in the United States. Yet you claim to be held back by systemmic racism?? You’re the poster-child for why there is no longer any systemic racism!
Life is not fair for everyone and wont be until Jesus returns. We make the best with what we’ve got until then. To envy is a sin.