The Christ in Prophecy Journal

America Hangs in the Balance

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Our 2024 Bible Conference theme was “Nation in Freefall.” Offering both warning and hope, it was a tremendous blessing to all who attended or viewed the livestream. But for a few days, it looked as if the conference would get off to a disastrous start.

Two days prior to our carefully planned event, we learned that our keynote speaker, Jack Hibbs, had fallen ill. We prayed, “bevakasha”—Please, Lord in Hebrew—hoping that Jack would recover in time to at least engage with us remotely. But God had another plan. He answered our prayer, but in an unexpected way. God sent Terry Cooper, another gifted preacher, to deliver a prophetic message of warning and encouragement that is still reverberating in the hearts of many who were there.

Clearly, Christians can recognize that America is in rebellion against God. We have prayed, “Please, Lord”—hoping that our nation would come to its senses and turn back to God.

The recent tragedy at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania offered grim evidence that those who have foolishly sown the wind have stirred up a whirlwind of division and animosity. One American was killed and two were wounded. Donald Trump’s miraculous deliverance from his own tragic end led him to testify that it was “God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.”

A spirit of deception and division infects our nation, and the urgency of America’s choice is as near as the election this fall. This is yet another inflection point when we will collectively choose once again what leaders—and what ideological agenda—to follow.

The Democrats intend to promote and celebrate unfettered abortion and all the pathologies associated with the LGBTQ+ agenda. The Republicans may lack clarity regarding what they want to affirm, but they at least stand in opposition to such ungodliness.

Our nation in freefall may have already reached the point of no return with regard to incurring God’s wrath. But as long as Christians inhabit the world and have influence to exert, a voice to speak out, or a vote to cast, we must advocate for that which honors the Lord and reflects His will.

The newest edition of the Lamplighter magazine examines where we’ve been, where we are, and where we are headed as America hangs in the balance.

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Tim Moore

Colonel Tim Moore serves as the Director and Senior Evangelist of Lamb & Lion Ministries. He leads pilgrimages to Israel and is the host of the television program Christ in Prophecy.

7 CommentsLeave a Comment

  • I’m sorry I didn’t proofread my comment enough. I apologize. Here is a corrected version:

    Article Quote: “The Democrats intend to promote and celebrate unfettered abortion and all the pathologies associated with the LGBTQ+ agenda. The Republicans may lack clarity regarding what they want to affirm, but they at least stand in opposition to such ungodliness.”

    I don’t disagree with the comment about the Democrats. They haven’t just veered to the far left. They have flown off the cliff and sunk into the dark depths of evil. Their minds are depraved. If they are put in total control of the government (White House, Congress and the Supreme Court) this would likely be a severe punishing judgment against this nation. The Democrats have had such control before but never with a party as wicked and evil as it is today so this would not be like anything we’ve ever known before. Christians should make sure they have on their full armor of God.

    Both Democrats and Republicans primary objective is to be constantly re-elected to secure the political pig sty in which they wallow. It is not to serve and promote what is in the best interest of this nation but rather to obtain and maintain majority power and control.

    I have an alternative view of Republicans as expressed in this article. I don’t think lack clarity is their problem but rather that they are a divided house within a house divided. Governing isn’t what they do best. Infighting and self destruction are what they do best. I say this as a lifelong conservative Republican whose first election experience was to volunteer at age 17 to support Ronald Reagan’s first campaign for president.

    Former President Trump is not my ideal choice for president. I would rather have had Ron DeSantis, Marco Rubio, or Tim Scott as a choice. Donald Trump comes across as a juvenile narcissist with a nasty mean streak. He supports the LBGTQ+ agenda. This is a word for word quote from Donald Trump: “As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of the hateful foreign ideology. Believe me.” Is it so hard to imagine him also protecting LGBTQ from those who speak against homosexuality and gender agendas based on their Biblical beliefs? You don’t think so? Trump famously held up with a big proud grin on his face a gay rainbow flag because it said “LGBTs for Trump”. His narcissistic “you love me, I love you” mentality winning out over his self proclaimed Christianity.

    Not only this. Trump is now proclaiming he will be a champion of “reproductive rights” which we know is the sanitized phrase for the murder of unborn babies aka abortion. Trump also flip flops around on the Florida abortion law. This man can’t be trusted any more than the flip flopping Kamala Harris.

    Trump should not be viewed as the better choice in the upcoming election but rather the lesser of two evils. He has done some things that absolutely deserve praise from Christians. But reserve your praise for the policies and not the man.

    Do not put misplace your trust, faith and hope in any man or woman of any political party. Place your trust, faith and hope in Jesus Christ only. Trust, faith and hope in Christ is the only place it belongs.

  • Even after proofreading my posted comment several times I STILL had a couple of proofing errors. Does that irk me? Yes. At the same time it put a big smile on my face because it is a reminder of the imperfection of humans. 🙂

    And don’t anyone think my negativity towards Donald Trump is based on personal feelings about the man (I don’t hate him and voted for him once…I sat out the 2016 election). Rather it s based on strong disagreements with his some of behavior and political policies and stances. I likely have just as many flaws as he does in one way or another. But the article references the election and he is the one running as a candidate so that is why I said what I did.

  • “If MY people, which are called by MY name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek MY face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

    It is not that America needs to turn back to GOD, but GOD’s people need to turn back to GOD.
    Your servant in CHRIST,

  • I’m really glad that most Christians see through false prophets, God gives us the truth through faith. 2 Peter 2:2 elaborates on false prophets . They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them….bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2. many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. Shameful ways means open, extreme immorality, not held in check by any sense of shame, anti-semetism, and open hatred, especially against the Jewish people and Israel.

    Its easy to spot the false prophets, they lie because of their corrupt agenda. No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. People do not pick figs from thorn bushes, or grapes from briers. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:43-45

    Ephesians 4:1 “Live a life that’s worthy of what Jesus did on the cross.

    Daily Truth: Deuteronomy 32:4. (God holds all the weights in His bag.) He watches over the scales of truth and righteousness. He ensures that the weights do not change. His scales are accurate. He weighs over motives, thoughts, deeds, and words. What no one else can see or comprehend, He places on the scales and measures. The so called experts and influencers and brightest minds of our day can gather up all their predictions and projections, but their opinions will never outweigh GOD’S PROMISES.


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