[Note: This series takes the reader through chapter 12 of Dr. David Reagan’s newest book titled God’s Prophetic Voices to America. Order your copy today! Dr. Reagan includes the following excerpt of a sermon made by Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Watch the conference presentation!]
The Implosion of America
I believe America’s collapse is inevitable.18
I came to understand why this is true just a couple years ago when we were in the midst of preparing for the building of our new church campus. We had to first of all get rid of five of our buildings, consisting of about 600,000 square feet in the middle of downtown Dallas. And so the question arose: How do you get rid of that many buildings in the middle of downtown Dallas without bringing down the surrounding skyscrapers?
The demolition people met with me, and they said the best way to achieve this is through an implosion. And they explained to me what they were going to do. They said, “We’re going to take 200 pounds of dynamite and attach it to key structural supports within those five buildings. We will then explode the dynamite, there will be a pause, and then the law of physics will take over. Without those foundational supports, the buildings will fall in on themselves under their own weight.” I said, “Well, that sounds pretty good to me. Let’s do it.”
And so, on a brisk October morning in 2010, they closed downtown Dallas. The Mayor and I and our building committee chairman were on a nearby roof top, along with all of the media. CNN, Fox News, and all the local media were there to cover the implosion of our buildings. This was going out live on Fox and Friends and other media outlets around the world.
We did the countdown, 5-4-3-2-1. The Mayor and I pressed the ceremonial red button, and in the next block we heard the explosions going off just like they predicted. And those explosions were followed by nothing. Absolutely nothing! I cannot begin to tell you what all went through my mind over those next few seconds. I began to think, “Who am I going to fire first?” I could just see this scene being replayed endlessly on YouTube, “Pastor’s Implosion a Dud.” I mean it seemed like forever. But you see, I had forgotten what the demolition people told me. They had told me there was going to be a pause after those explosions.
And suddenly, without any warning, I heard a sound that could only be compared to standing in front of a jet engine. The roar increased in volume as we watched those once mighty buildings fall in on themselves, and within 30 seconds, they were reduced to nothing more than a plume of debris-filled dust.
I learned something that morning about implosions. They begin with a series of seemingly unrelated explosions, followed by a pause, and then a sudden collapse.
Four Explosive Decisions
Ladies and gentlemen, over the last 50 years our Supreme Court has made four explosive decisions that have so weakened the moral and spiritual structure and foundation of our country that our inevitable collapse is certain. Right now we’re simply living between that time of the explosions that have weakened our basic foundation, and the coming implosion.
These four decisions have changed the direction of our country more than any congressional mandate and more than any executive order from the President of the United States. What are those four decisions?
Explosion Number One
Decision number one — I call it explosion number one — was the Supreme Court case in 1962 of Engel v. Vitale. This is the case that removed the saying of a prayer in the public schools.
A simple 22-word voluntary prayer was deemed unconstitutional. And of course, it is from that decision that all of the other court decisions cascaded concerning prayer, showing government is not neutral toward religion, but rather is hostile toward it. And government is especially hostile toward the Christian religion.
In the third segment of Robert Jeffress’ warning of America’s impending judgment, Dr. Jeffress launches into the second explosion against the guarantees of religious freedom that the First Amendment provides.
References are available in the References section at the end of the book.
Order New Book
If you enjoyed reading this Chapter 12 sample of Dr. David Reagan’s newest book on God’s Prophetic Voices to America, consider ordering your copy today! The books runs 288 pages in length.