The Christ in Prophecy Journal

Robert Jeffress Warns of Impending Judgment (Part 4 of 6)

Robert Jeffress

[Note: This series takes the reader through chapter 12 of Dr. David Reagan’s newest book titled God’s Prophetic Voices to America. Order your copy today! Dr. Reagan includes the following excerpt of a sermon made by Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Watch the conference presentation!]

Prophetic Voices Book

Explosion Number Three

Explosive decision number three was rooted right here in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex. It was the 1973 decision in the case of Roe vs. Wade. It is the decision that has resulted now in the murder of over 50 million children in the womb.

By the way, whenever I am on television talking about this, I never allow the phrase to be used, “a woman’s right to choose” without completing the sentence: “It is a woman’s right to choose to murder her child.” Don’t let anybody else get by without completing that full sentence. That’s what this is about. And that is what Roe vs. Wade has done. It has sanctioned the killing of unborn children…

In my book, Twilight’s Last Gleaming, I cited a study that says that if the 50 million children who have been killed in the last 50 years had been allowed to live and grow up and become productive citizens, they would have added anywhere from 35 to 70 trillion dollars to our gross national product. If those 50 million children had been allowed to grow up and live and contribute to society, there would be no Social Security crisis. There would be no Medicare crisis. They would have been paying into the system. You cannot slaughter 20% of your population, no nation can, without severe economic repercussions.

Ladies and gentlemen, the economic repercussions of abortion pale in significance to the most heinous and disastrous result of abortion, and that is the certainty of God’s judgment. All you have to do is look at history and see how God has dealt with nations that kill their children. In the Old Testament God raised up the Assyrians and the Babylonians to judge Israel for participating in child sacrifice. During the Second World War God raised up the allied forces to crush Nazi Germany for taking children to the gas chambers by the train loads.

Looking at history, does anybody have to wonder how God is going to deal with a nation like ours that sanctions the killing of children?…

Explosion Number Four

The fourth explosive decision was Lawrence and Garner vs. the State of Texas in 2003. This is the Supreme Court decision that struck down our state’s anti-sodomy laws. It was the beginning of a domino effect that we see continuing today.

What is interesting is in that decision in 2003 Justice Scalia at that time said, “This reasoning leaves on pretty shaky ground the state laws limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples.” Justice Scalia was being prophetic. In fact it was the reasoning of that court in 2003 that led to the recent decision that struck down a part of the Defense of Marriage Act.

What you need to understand is that for 226 years our judiciary has understood that the relationship between a man and woman is what constitutes marriage, and it is the bedrock of social order. James Kent, who served as Chief Justice of the [New York] Supreme Court, wrote in his commentary on American Law:

The primary and most important of the domestic relations is that of husband and wife. It has its foundation in nature and is the only relation by which Providence has permitted the continuance of the human race…

What we saw in the recent DOMA decision is the Supreme Court caving in to political correctness. Now you know, people say — even Christians — “Well so what? What harm is it to me that homosexuals want to get married? How does that hurt me?” Well, first of all it’s not all about you and me, it is about society. But the fact is it does harm society.

The Hoover Institute has done long-term studies on Scandinavian countries that legalized same-sex marriage. Do you know what they found? They found that in countries that legalize same-sex marriage the rate of heterosexual marriage drops precipitously. And the reason is obvious: If marriage becomes anything you want it to be, why bother to get married at all? It was reported last week that our marriage rate here in the United States has dropped to the lowest level it has been in a century. And so you create tremendous instability in society when you allow that to happen…

God knew what He was doing when He designed the family. And ladies and gentlemen, even though Supreme Court opinions change, even though culture changes, God’s Word never changes. He is the one who designed marriage and He knows how it best operates.

Now my point in citing these four cases is simply this: no nation that outlaws the acknowledgment of God in the public square, that sanctions the killing of unborn children and destroys the most basic unit of society, the family — no such nation can survive. The explosions have already occurred. The implosion is coming. We are simply living in the in-between-time.

In the fifth segment of Robert Jeffress’ warning of America’s impending judgment, Dr. Jeffress calls Christians to stand courageously in the political realm.


References are available in the References section at the end of the book.

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If you enjoyed reading this Chapter 12 sample of Dr. David Reagan’s newest book on God’s Prophetic Voices to America, consider ordering your copy today! The books runs 288 pages in length.

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Dr. David Reagan

Dr. David Reagan is the Founder and Evangelist Emeritus of Lamb & Lion Ministries. He is a life-long Bible student, teacher, and preacher and he led over 45 pilgrimages to Israel. Dr. Reagan was the host of the radio then television program Christ in Prophecy for nearly 40 years.


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