The Christ in Prophecy Journal

Prophetic Perspectives #49: America’s Fate

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I want to talk to you for a moment about the fate of our nation — the United States of America.

Many pastors, speaking from a pastor’s heart, have been saying recently that they think that all of the hardships that we are going through right now are going to turn our hearts back to God and that we are going to experience a tremendous end time revival. And, to sustain that hope, they point to the great number of revivals that we have had in this nation in the past. We’ve certainly had some great ones, so they say another great revival can happen again. In the past, our nation would grow cold in its heart to God, and then a revival would occur. And so, they say this can happen yet again.

Well, I hope they are right, but I think they are very wrong. Let me tell you why. I think that there is little hope for this nation, and there are several reasons for that.

First of all, our nation is not one whose heart has grown cold. That’s not the problem with our nation. Our nation has a heart that is in outright rebellion against God. We are in rebellion against His Word. We are in rebellion against Him. We are saying, “God, we have no use for you. We want to go our own way.”

Just look at the Progressives in the Democratic Party, for example, today and you’ll see what I mean. Keep in mind that in the last presidential election Hillary Clinton received three million more votes than Donald Trump did.

We have got to understand that our nation has now strayed very, very far from the Word of God and from our reliance upon Him. We are not cold in the Lord; no, we are in outright rebellion against God! And, I believe, we are past the point of no return.

I know people don’t want to hear that. They didn’t want to hear it when Jeremiah talked about it, or Habakkuk, or any of the other biblical prophets. It’s not a popular message. It’s not one I like to give, but I believe it with all my heart.

The Bible says there is a point of no return for a nation. And, the Bible always puts it in the same words over and over — it’s when the wound becomes incurable (Jeremiah 30:13). When the wound becomes incurable that’s when a nation has set its jaw against God and refuses to repent, and I believe that is where we are today.

David Reagan: The Bible says there is a point of no return for a nation. It's when the wound becomes incurable (Jeremiah 30:13). When a nation has set its jaw against God and refuses to repent. Click To Tweet

Another reason I don’t accept this concept of a revival in the end times is because there’s absolutely no prophecy whatsoever that points to an end time revival. Instead, prophecy says that as we get closer to the coming of Jesus society is going to become more blasphemous, more immoral, more violent, and the Church is going to be full of increasing apostasy. There is no end time revival that is pictured in Bible prophecy.

So, I think when it comes to another great revival happening that we just simply have put out hope in something we shouldn’t have put it in. We need to face up to the fact that God is going to deal with this nation because He is going to deal with our sin.

That may be no hope for this nation, but let me tell you, there remains an incredible hope for individuals. There’s incredible hope because God sent His Son to die for our sins. Jesus Christ is willing to forgive you of your sins. He is willing for you to be born again and brought into the Kingdom.

What we as Christians need to do in these end times is we need to pray. We need to stand for righteousness. And, we need to share the Gospel with as many people as we can, as quickly as we can, because the time is short.

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Dr. David Reagan

Dr. David Reagan is the Founder and Evangelist Emeritus of Lamb & Lion Ministries. He is a life-long Bible student, teacher, and preacher and he led over 45 pilgrimages to Israel. Dr. Reagan was the host of the radio then television program Christ in Prophecy for nearly 40 years.

8 CommentsLeave a Comment

  • It amazes me that men can talk so much of power and goodness, yet be so cavalier about responsibility to sinful ways to reduce it to institutional behavior, and not personal behavior. On top of this, predict a Spiritual revival?

  • Thank you Dr. Reagan for your insight on bible prophecy. I feel the gentile age is nearing the final second and we are to look up because our redemption draws nigh. Baruch haba b’shem Adonai

  • Thank you Dr. Reagan for your insight on bible prophecy. I feel the gentile age is nearing midnight. We are to look up for our redemption draws nigh. Baruch haba b’shem Adonai

  • I believe you are right-on about America. God sent the Babylonians in to punish Israel and scatter them because they were killing their babies without mercy by burning them on a false god. God will not wink at America for murdering over 60 million of our babies. And, I believe God will turn America over to Satan for destruction after the Rapture of His True Church. Thank you for your teachings. We love your program.

  • That was an excellent summation. As I have been into bible prophecy for years I totally agree with you. I love my pastor but he is such an optimist he believes things will be better and doesn’t dwell on the end times. Our small church needs to know more about what the coming times will be and the need to keep our eyes on the prize.
    PS…I think of you a lot as I look at my large framed print behind my couch of the lion and the lamb besides a lion and lamb clock on the wall.

  • Fitting word for our nation today. May we all stand strong in faith in the days ahead. Have you considered Pres. Trumps peace plan announced in late January? Dividing the land into two nations with a suburb of East Jerusalem becoming the Palestinian capital. The same week of the revealing of this plan the Covid 19 virus enters Washinton state. Love to see some analysis from you all. If we are in the last days which I believe we are the great deception is upon us where possible even the very elect would be deceived. Instead of call to repentance we are hearing the call to vote to save our nation. Seems the same theme from Jeremiah where they trusted in their nationality and king instead of repentance and we read how that ended.

  • I agree. I think we are really in the last days. Look how fast things have happened only recently: socialism policies, riots, late term abortion, wat on Christians, ect. There’s some evil stuff happening out there, and I think this we are the stage where God has let Satan gun loose and create as much lawlessness and chaos as possible. I’ve known prophecy for a very long time, but only in the last 4yrs have felt like the end times were coming, and coming quickly.

  • I tend to agree, things have escalated really rapidly n the last few years, many changes, now we have this virus.There are a lot of things going on that the main media do not tell us. Why? It does make you wonder


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