[Note: Tim Moore serves as Associate Evangelist and ministry Trustee. A native Kentuckian who lives in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, he and his wife, Amy, have 4 children.]
This year my parents each celebrated their 75th birthday. My entire family rejoiced over God’s bountiful blessings poured into and through them. Reflecting back on the span of their lives, I am amazed at the events and advances they have witnessed.
Matthew 24:32-35 says that the generation that witnesses the budding of the fig tree (a biblical symbol of Israel) will be the one that witnesses the return of Jesus.
Well, the fig tree re-blossomed on May 14, 1948. Aside from a few students of Bible prophecy, most Christians were oblivious of the importance of this singular event. People like my parents who grew up in the Church had never heard about the significance of the Jewish people, or God’s clear promise to preserve and gather them in the end times, or the relevance of modern Israel to the prophetic time-clock.
The Bible clearly teaches in Romans 9-11 that God is not finished with the Jewish people. He has promised that He will bring a great remnant of them to faith in Jesus (Zechariah 12:10). He has also promised a glorious future for their nation (Isaiah 60-62). Jeremiah tells us that by the time their regathering is complete, they will see it as even more miraculous than their delivery from Egyptian captivity (Jeremiah 16:14-15). That means we are currently witnessing one of the greatest miracles of history!
The #Bible clearly teaches in Romans 9-11 that God is not finished with the Jewish people. #Israel Click To TweetHave you considered how blessed you are to be living right now — able to witness the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in your own day and age? Every time the news focuses to events in Israel and the Middle East, do you realize that God’s plan for human history is approaching its great climax? Even as Satan inspires increased hatred toward the Jews and toward Israel, do you recognize that he realizes his final defeat is at hand?
The signs of the times are indeed multiplying all around us. They point to the reality that God’s Word is true and that at any moment the Father will tell Jesus Christ to go and collect His Bride. There are many signs of the times today, but the greatest of all the manifest signs is the existence of the nation of Israel. Those who take for granted its very existence underappreciate its significance on God’s prophetic timeline.
Like my parents, if you have been alive since 1948, your life has witnessed more fulfillment of Bible prophecy than any generation since those who walked with Jesus 2,000 years ago. I daresay that countless generations will thrill to hear your testimony in glory — before we all witness Jesus Christ’s glorious return together.
If you have never joined us on a Lamb & Lion pilgrimage to Israel, I want to personally invite you to come and see with your own eyes what God is doing in this remarkable nation. See what the Lord has done — and what He is doing still. You’ll come home praising Him, bearing witness to His fulfilled promises, and eager for Jesus Christ to come quickly.
I absolutely LOVE this article! And yes, I feel very blessed to be living in this day and age witnessing Bible prophesy being fulfilled. If it wasn’t for David Reagan coming to talk to the congregation at Central Christian Church in Wichita, Ks MANY years ago, I would not be on fire about Bible prophesy. I appreciate Lamb and Lion Ministries so very much!! You’ve helped the world make sense; the happenings in the Middle East make sense; and given me a love for Israel like no other. I was blessed to make a trip there in 1999. Thank you for such informative articles that continue to teach me. May God shower all of you at Lamb and Lion with extra special blessings!